Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Technology Affects Library Referencing Essay

It is indeed obvious and true how technology generates most of the things that humans deal with today. The global economy as for example is being controlled by massive computer programs for the sake of considerable advancements for the human society. Alongside with this particular advancement, educational sectors also take advantage of the major innovations made through the use of science and technology. As for this matter, it could be noted that library referencing have also been recreated to be able to support the needs of the present generation from referencing the books that are available through the libraries. How is this possible? The existence of numerous technology-based systems that are primarily made to ease the problems of file-fixing in the field of library-based jobs entirely makes the jobs of the Librarians quite easy to deal with today. As it could be noticed, years before, librarians are expected to type in several details with regards a certain book in card catalogs. Not to mention, alphabetizing them and in tall and long ended cabinets is not that easy to do. The procedure indeed takes time and the filing up takes so much space form the library. Seeing this situation, it could be observed that the technological changes that are appreciated by the libraries of the present generation are now able to increase the capabilities of the libraries to hold more students in terms of space and enhance the skills of the librarian in meeting the issues that concern the students in terms of library-based queries since they already have time for this unlike that of the past years? Furthermore, the question: â€Å"How is this possible† points out to one particular focus of discussion; knowing that technology causes changes to the system of cataloging in the libraries, how do these procedures of filing the book-informations so far helpful both to the students and the librarian as well regardless of the obvious disadvantages mentioned earlier? How are the students able to benefit from the technology-fixed files and informations of books? Does technology really affect the procedures of referencing in the future? These questions are the primary discussions that shall be tackled within the context of this paper. Library and Technology Cataloging is an olden time procedure that is made to arrange the collection of books within libraries. Of course, since libraries are considered to have a large collection of reading materials, arranging them into categories helps in the process of researching for the students or plain readers alone. However, this procedure of arranging the files and taking notes of the information with regards a certain book takes much time and effort from the librarians that they are already incapable of doing the primary responsibility that they should be addressing in their profession, assisting the readers. Today, the development of technology aides in libraries have created a radical change within the systems of arranging the files as well as redefined the role of librarians in completing the tasks appointed for them to finish. Several operating systems are created to be bale to assist the librarians and the readers in browsing the books that are collected by a certain library. What is an operating system, and how does it help in the procedure of making cataloging much easier for librarians? What are Operating Systems? Every computer system is controlled by an operating system. A pre-programmed system controls the operations that the computer system is supposed to perform. This mainly pertains to the responsibilities of the computer and how it is able to complete the tasks that are further addressed to its performance. At present, the operating systems are referred to as computer programs that are supposed to manage both the hardware and software systems of the entire computer facilities. There are . five main tasks that the OS performs as a program: †¢Controlling and Allocating Memory This task mainly focuses on the capability of the computer programs to assimilate the memory priorities of the entire computer system. To allocate the memory means designating the memory priorities on which its performance is most needed. †¢Prioritizing System Requests Most of the time, the system follows a â€Å"first Come First Serve† arrangement. As a result, in multi tasking systems the operations are carried on basing on what request came first, and what has been allocated by the system to come in priority. †¢Controlling Input and Output Devices The input devices are the ones used to enter information within the computer memory while the output devices are the ones used to produce hardcopy of the informations entered within the system. The operating systems that is present within the computer makes it possible for the computer device to perform well and do as it is programmed to. †¢Facilitating Networking To be able to connect to others, networking the systems is needed. Once an operating system is programmed to perform such tasks, it would be able to connect two different systems together to be able to have a connected exchange of information and communication as well. †¢Managing Files To manage files means to arrange them on what part of the memory should be utilized by the files. It also sorts out the files with the necessary section of the computer memory should it be stored in. (Source: Warford, J. Stanley. (2005). Computer Systems. Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 3rd edition.. )

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Patho Pharm Concepts Diabetic Research Health And Social Care Essay

Type 1 diabetes can happen at any age. However, it is most frequently diagnosed in kids, striplings, or immature grownups. Hazard factors include: A household history. Anyone with a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes has a somewhat increased hazard of developing the status. Geneticss: The presence of certain cistrons indicates an increased hazard of developing type 1 diabetes. In some instances – normally through a clinical test – familial testing can be done to find if person who has a household history of type 1 diabetes is at increased hazard of developing the status. Geography: The incidence of type 1 diabetes tends to increase as you travel off from the equator. Peoples populating in Finland and Sardinia have the highest incidence of type 1 diabetes – approximately two to three times higher than rates in the United States and 400 times that of people populating in Venezuela. Possible hazard factors for type 1 diabetes include: Viral exposure. Exposure to Epstein-Barr virus, Coxsackie virus, mumps virus or CMV may trip the autoimmune devastation of the islet cells, or the virus may straight infect the islet cells. Low vitamin D degrees. Research suggests that vitamin D may be protective against type 1 diabetes. However, early imbibing of cow ‘s milk – a common beginning of vitamin D – has been linked to an increased hazard of type 1 diabetes. Other dietetic factors: Omega-3 fatty acids may offer some protection against type 1 diabetes. Drinking H2O that contains nitrates may increase the hazard. Additionally, the timing of the debut of cereal into a babe ‘s diet may impact his or her hazard of type 1 diabetes. One clinical test found that between ages 3 and 7 months appears to be the optimum clip for presenting cereal. Some other possible hazard factors include if your female parent was younger than age 25 when she gave birth to you or if your female parent had pre-eclampsia during gestation. Bing born with icterus is a possible hazard factor, as is sing a respiratory infection merely after you were born. ( Mayo Clinic, 2012 ) Insulin is a endocrine produced by particular cells, called beta cells, in the pancreas. The pancreas is found behind your tummy. Insulin is needed to travel blood sugar ( glucose ) into cells, where it is stored and later used for energy. In type 1 diabetes, beta cells produce small or no insulin. Without adequate insulin, glucose physiques up in the blood stream alternatively of traveling into the cells. The organic structure is unable to utilize this glucose for energy. This leads to the symptoms of type 1 diabetes. This type needs insulin. The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown. ( Medicine Plus, 2011 ) However, type 1 diabetes normally develops as a consequence of autoimmune pancreatic beta-cell devastation in genetically susceptible persons. Up to 90 % of patients will hold autoantibodies to at least one of 3 antigens: glutamic acid decarboxylase ( G AD ) ; insulin ; and a tyrosine-phosphatase-like molecule, islet auto-antigen-2 ( IA-2 ) . Beta-cell devastation returns sub-clinically for months to old ages as insulitis ( redness of the beta cell ) . When 80 % to 90 % of beta cells have been destroyed, hyperglycaemia develops. Insulin opposition has no function in the pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes. However, with increasing prevalence of fleshiness, some type 1 diabetic patients may be insulin immune in add-on to being insulin deficient. Patients with insulin lack are unable to use glucose in peripheral musculus and adipose tissues. This stimulates the secernment of counter-regulatory endocrines such as glucagon, epinephrine ( adrenaline ) , hydrocortisone, and growing endocrine. These counter-regulatory endocrines, particularly glucagon, promote gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and ketogenesis in the liver. As a consequence, patients present with hyperglycemia and anion spread metabolic acidosis. Long-run hyperglycemia leads to vascular complications due to a combination of factors that include glycosylation of proteins in tissue and serum, production of sorbitol, and free extremist harm. Microvascular complications include retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy. Macrovascular complications include cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and peripheral vascular disease. Hyperglycaemia is known to bring on oxidative emphasis and redness. Oxidative emphasis can do endothelial disfunction by neutralizing azotic oxide. Dysfunctional endothelium allows entry of LDL into the vas wall, which induces a slow inflammatory procedure and leads to atheroma formation. ( Best Practice, 2012 ) The definition of type 2 diabetes mellitus, antecedently termed noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, was late modified by the American Diabetes Association. Several standards may be used independently to set up the diagnosing: 1 ) a 75-g unwritten glucose tolerance trial with a 2-h value of 200 mg/dL or more, 2 ) a random plasma g lucose of 200 mg/dL or more with typical symptoms of diabetes, or 3 ) a fasting plasma glucose of 126 mg/dL or more on more than one juncture ( Wingard, and Barrett-Connor, 1995 ) . Fasting glucose values are preferred for their convenience, duplicability, and correlativity with increased hazard of microvascular complications. The term impaired fasting glucose has been defined as fasting plasma glucose of 110 or more and 125 mg/dL or less ( ( Wingard, and Barrett-Connor, 1995 ) . ) . Impaired glucose tolerance ( IGT ) is defined as a 2-h plasma glucose value of 140 or more and of less than 200 mg/dL during an unwritten glucose tolerance ( American Diabetes Association, 1997 ) . Persons with impaired fasting glucose and IGT are considered to be at high hazard for the development of diabetes and macrovascular disease ( Knowler, Martor, and Selander, 1997, and Alberti1996 ) . Although one tierce of these patients will finally develop diabetes, dietetic alteration and exercising can tak e down the hazard of patterned advance from impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes ; and may besides forestall the development of IGT in nondiabetic persons at high hazard ( Alberti, 1996 ) . Pharmacological agents may besides be of benefit in restricting the patterned advance from IGT to diabetes ( Knowler, Martor, and Selander, 1997, and Antonucci, Whitcomb, McClain, and Lockwood, 1998 ) . Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a heterogenous upset with changing prevalence among different cultural groups. In the United States the populations most affected are native Americans, peculiarly in the desert Southwest, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans ( Harris, Courig, Reiber, Boyko, Stern, and Bennet, 1995 ) . The pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by peripheral insulin opposition, impaired ordinance of hepatic glucose production, and worsening I?-cell map, finally taking toI? -cell failure. The primary events are believed to be an initial shortage in insuli n secernment and, in many patients, comparative insulin lack in association with peripheral insulin opposition ( Reaven, 1998, and Olefsky, 1989 ) . I?-Cell disfunction is ab initio characterized by an damage in the first stage of insulin secernment during glucose stimulation and may predate the oncoming of glucose intolerance in type 2 diabetes ( Ward, Beard, and Porte, 1986 ) . Initiation of the insulin response depends upon the transmembranous conveyance of glucose and yoke of glucose to the glucose detector. The glucose/glucose detector complex so induces an addition in glucokinase by stabilising the protein and impairing its debasement. The initiation of glucokinase serves as the first measure in associating intermediary metamorphosis with the insulin secretory setup. Glucose conveyance inI? -cells of type 2 diabetes patients appears to be greatly reduced, therefore switching the control point for insulin secernment from glucokinase to the glucose conveyance system ( Leahy, 199 1, and Porte 1991 ) . This defect is improved by the sulfonylureas ( Luz, DeFronzo, 1989, and Groop, Latheiser, and Luzi, 1991 ) . Later in the class of the disease, the 2nd stage release of freshly synthesized insulin is impaired, an consequence that can be reversed, in portion at least in some patients, by reconstructing rigorous control of glycemia. This secondary phenomenon, termed desensitisation or I?-cell glucotoxicity, is the consequence of a self-contradictory inhibitory consequence of glucose upon insulin release and may be attributable to the accretion of animal starch within the I?-cell as a consequence of sustained hyperglycaemia ( Malaisse, 1996 ) . Other campaigners that have been proposed are sorbital accretion in the I?-cell or the nonenzymatic glycation ofI? -cell proteins. Other defects in I?-cell map in type 2 diabetes mellitus include faulty glucose potentiation in response to nonglucose insulin secretagogues, asynchronous insulin release, and a reduced transiti on of proinsulin to insulin ( Porte, and Kahn, 1989, and O`Rahilly, Turner, and Matthews, 1988 ) . An damage in first stage insulin secernment may function as a marker of hazard for type 2 diabetes mellitus in household members of persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus ( Groop, and Botazzo, 1986 ) and may be seen in patients with anterior gestational diabetes ( Nicholls, Chan, Ali, Beard, and Dornhorst, 1995 ) . However, impaired first stage insulin secernment entirely will non do impaired glucose tolerance. Autoimmune devastation of pancreatic I?-cells may be a factor in a little subset of type 2 diabetic patients and has been termed the syndrome of latent autoimmune diabetes in grownups. This group may stand for every bit many as 10 % of Norse patients with type 2 diabetes and has been identified in the recent United Kingdom survey, but has non been good characterized in other populations ( Groop, and Botazzo, 1986 ) . Glucokinase is absent within the I?-cell in some households wit h maturity-onset diabetes of immature ( Nicholls, Chan, Ali, Beard, and Dornhorst, 1995 ) . However, lacks of glucokinase have non been found in other signifiers of type 2 diabetes ( Matchinsky, Liang, and Kesevan, 1993 ) . Hazard factors for diabetes II include: Weight. Being overweight is a primary hazard factor for type 2 diabetes. The more fatty tissue you have, the more immune your cells become to insulin. Fat distribution. If your organic structure shops fat chiefly in your venters, your hazard of type 2 diabetes is greater than if your organic structure shops fat elsewhere, such as your hips and thighs. Inaction: The less active you are, the greater your hazard of type 2 diabetes. Physical activity helps you command your weight, uses up glucose as energy and makes your cells more sensitive to insulin. Family history: The hazard of type 2 diabetes additions if your parent or sibling has type 2 diabetes. Race: Although it ‘s ill-defined why, people of certain races â€⠀œ including inkinesss, Hispanics, American Indians and Asian-Americans – are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than Whites are. Age: The hazard of type 2 diabetes additions as you get older, particularly after age 45. That ‘s likely because people tend to exert less, lose musculus mass and addition weight as they age. But type 2 diabetes is besides increasing dramatically among kids, striplings and younger grownups. Prediabetes: Prediabetes is a status in which your blood sugar degree is higher than normal, but non high plenty to be classified as type 2 diabetes. Left untreated, prediabetes frequently progresses to type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes: If you developed gestational diabetes when you were pregnant, your hazard of developing type 2 diabetes subsequently additions. If you gave birth to a babe weighing more than 9 lbs ( 4.1 kgs ) , you ‘re besides at hazard of type 2 diabetes. ( Mayo Clinic, 2012 ) Mr. Jenaro has type II diabetes. The fasting plasma glucose ( FPG ) trial, besides known as the fasting blood sugar trial, steps blood sugar degrees and is used to name diabetes. Relatively simple and cheap, the trial exposes jobs with insulin operation. Prolonged fasting triggers a endocrine called glucagon, which is produced by the pancreas. It causes the liver to let go of glucose ( blood sugar ) into the blood stream. If a individual does n't hold diabetes, his or her organic structure reacts by bring forthing insulin, which prevents hyperglycaemia ( high blood sugar ) . However, if one ‘s organic structure can non bring forth adequate insulin or can non suitably react to insulin, fasting blood sugar degrees will remain high. How the Fasting Plasma Glucose Test Is Done? The trial consists of a simple, noninvasive blood trial. Prior to being tested, a individual must non to eat for 12 to 14 hours. Because of this fast, the trial is normally done in the forenoon. Understanding the Results of the Fasting Plas ma Glucose Test: Doctors interpret trial consequences by looking at glucose degrees in the blood. Diagnosis classs include the undermentioned, measured in mgs per decilitre ( mg/dL ) : In the fasting plasma glucose trial, 70 mg/dL to 99 mg/dL is considered within the normal scope. A reading of 100 mg/dL to126 mg/dL suggests prediabetes, bespeaking an increased hazard in developing matured diabetes. A reading above 126 mg/dL is the threshold at which diabetes is diagnosed. Blood glucose degrees lower than 70 mg/dL imply an episode of hypoglycaemia, in which blood sugar is perilously low. If the consequences are marginal, other trials might be done, including the unwritten glucose tolerance trial or the postprandial plasma glucose trial. ( Close, 2008 ) Random Plasma Glucose Test: The random plasma glucose trial is a simple Blood sugar trial. The patient does non necessitate to fast for the RPG, which means if can be taken even if he/she has merely had something to eat or imbibe. This is normally performed in the exigency room or when a physician does non desire to wait to hold a fasting blood sugar trial performed. The trial is simple and can be performed in the infirmary or physician ‘s office by taking a blood trial and holding the degrees analyzed by a research lab. Consequences are normally processed within 24 to 48 hours if they ‘re being sent out to an independent lab. Hospitals can acquire a reading much quicker. A normal Blood glucose degree reading, without fasting first, of under 200 mg/dl is considered normal. At that point, if symptoms are present, the physician will get down looking at other grounds for the unwellness. However, a degree of over 200 mg/dl, particularly with symptoms of frequent micturition, inordinate thirst, etc. will bespeak a strong possibility of diabetes. ( Diabetes Info, n.d. ) Two hr postprandial serum glucose: The most common glucose tolerance trial is the unwritten glucose tolerance trial ( OGTT ) . Before the t rial begins, a sample of blood will be taken. The patient will so be asked to imbibe a liquid incorporating a certain sum of glucose ( normally 75 gms ) . The patient`s blood will be taken once more every 30 to 60 proceedingss after you drink the solution. The trial takes up to 3 hours. A similar trial is the IV glucose tolerance trial ( IGTT ) . It is seldom used, and ne'er used to name diabetes. In this trial, glucose is injected into the patient`s vena for 3 proceedingss. Blood insulin degrees are measured before the injection, and once more at 1 and 3 proceedingss after the injection. However, the timing may change. How to Fix for the Trial: Make sure that the patient chows usually for several yearss before the trial. Make non eat or imbibe anything for at least 8 hours before the trial. The patient can non eat during the trial. How the Test Will Feel: Some people feel nauseated, sweaty, faint, or may even experience short of breath or swoon after imbibing the glucose. However, serious side effects of this trial are really uncommon. When the acerate leaf is inserted to pull blood, some people feel moderate hurting. Others feel merely a asshole or cutting esthesis. Afterward, there may be some pounding. Normal Consequences: Normal blood values for a 75-gram unwritten glucose tolerance trial used to look into for type 2 diabetes in those who are non pregnant: Fast: 60 -100 mg/dL, 1 hr: less than 200 mg/dL, and 2 hours: less than 140 mg/dL. Note: mg/dL = mgs per decilitre Between 140 – 200 mg/dL is called impaired glucose tolerance. The patient`s physician may name this â€Å" prediabetes. † It means the patient is at increased hazard for developing diabetes. A glucose degree of 200 mg/dL or higher is a mark of diabetes. However, high glucose degrees may be related to another medical job ( for illustration, Cushing syndrome ) . Hazards: Veins and arterias vary in size from one patient to another and from one side of the organic structure to the other. Obtaining a blood sample from some people may be more hard than from others. Other hazards associated with holding blood drawn are little but may include: Excessive hemorrhage, Fainting or experiencing faint, haematoma ( blood roll uping under the tegument ) , and infection ( a rebuff hazard any clip the tegument is broken ) . Considerations: Factors that may impact the trial consequences: Acute emphasis ( for illustration, from surgery or an infection ) , vigorous exercising, several drugs may do glucose intolerance, including: Atypical antipsychotic medicines, including aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, and ziprasidone, Beta-blockers ( for illustration, propranolol ) , Corticosteroids ( for illustration, Orasone ) , Dextrose, Epinephrine, Glucagon, Isoniazid, Lithium, Phenothiazines, Phenytoin, Salicylates ( including acetylsalicylic acid ) , Thiazide water pills ( for illustration, Microzide ) , Triamterene, and Tricyclic antidepressants. ( Medicine Plus, n.d. ) A1C: The A1c trial and eAG computation are used to supervise the glucose control of diabetics over clip. The end of those with diabetes is to maintain their blood glucose degrees as near to normal as possible. This helps to minimise the complications caused by inveterate elevated glucose degrees, such as progressive harm to organic structure variety meats like the kidneys, eyes, cardiovascular system, and nervousnesss. The A1c trial and eAG consequence give a image of the mean sum of glucose in the blood over the last few months. They can assist you and your physician know if the steps you are taking to command your diabetes are successful or need to be adjusted. A1c is often used to assist freshly diagnosed diabetics find how elevated their uncontrolled blood glucose degrees have been. It may be ordered several times while control is being achieved, and so several times a twelvemonth to verify that good control is being maintained. The A1c trial may be used to test for and name diab etes. However, A1c should non be used for diagnosing in pregnant adult females, people who have had recent terrible hemorrhage or blood transfusions, those with chronic kidney or liver disease, and people with blood upsets such as iron-deficiency anaemia, vitamin B12 anaemia, and hemoglobin discrepancies. Besides, merely A1c trials that have been referenced to an recognized research lab method ( standardized ) should be used for diagnostic or screening intents. In these instances, a fasting plasma glucose or unwritten glucose tolerance trial may be used for testing or diagnosing. Presently, point-of-care trials, such as those that may be used at a physician ‘s office or a patient ‘s bedside, are excessively variable for usage in diagnosing but can be used to supervise intervention ( lifestyle and drug therapies ) . Depending on the type of diabetes that you have, how good your diabetes is controlled, and your physician, your A1c may be measured 2 to 4 times each twelvemo nth. The American Diabetes Association recommends proving your A1c at least twice a twelvemonth. When person is foremost diagnosed with diabetes or if control is non good, A1c may be ordered more often. For diagnostic and screening intents, A1c may be ordered as portion of a wellness medical examination or when person is suspected of holding diabetes because they have marks or symptoms of increased blood glucose degrees ( hyperglycaemia ) such as: Increased thirst, increased micturition, weariness, blurred vision, and slow-healing infections. For supervising glucose control, A1c is presently reported as a per centum, and it is recommended that diabetics aim to maintain their A1c below 7 % . The study for your A1c trial besides may include an estimated Average Glucose ( eAG ) , which is a deliberate consequence based on your A1c degrees. The intent of describing eAG is to assist you associate your A1c consequences to your mundane glucose monitoring degrees. The expression for eAG con verts per centum A1c to units of mg/dL or mmol/L so that you can compare it to your glucose degrees from place monitoring systems or laboratory trials. It should be noted that the eAG is still an rating of your glucose over the last twosome of months. It will non fit up precisely to any one daily glucose trial consequence. The American Diabetes Association has adopted this computation and provides a reckoner and information on the eAG on their web site. The closer a diabetic can maintain their A1c to 6 % without sing inordinate hypoglycaemia, the better their diabetes is in control. As the A1c and eAG addition, so does the hazard of complications. In testing and diagnosing, some consequences that may be seen include: A nondiabetic individual will hold an A1c consequence between 4 % and 6 % . Diabetes: A1c degree is 6.5 % ( 47 mmol/mol ) or higher. Pre-diabetes ( increased hazard of developing diabetes in the hereafter ) : A1c is 5.7 % – 6.4 % ( 39 – 46 mmol/mol ) . The A1c trial will non reflect impermanent, acute blood glucose additions or lessenings. The glucose swings of person who has â€Å" brickle † diabetes will non be reflected in the A1c. If you have a haemoglobin discrepancy, such as reaping hook cell haemoglobin ( hemoglobin S ) , you will hold a reduced sum of haemoglobin A. This may restrict the utility of the A1c trial in naming and/or supervising your diabetes. If you have anemia, haemolysis, or heavy hemorrhage, your trial consequences may be falsely low. If you are iron deficient, you may hold an increased A1c measuring. If you have had a recent transfusion, so your A1c will be falsely increased ( blood preservative solutions contain high glucose degrees ) and non accurately reflect your glucose control for 2 to 3 months. ( Lab Trials Online, 2009 ) Diseases do non ever show the usual or â€Å" authoritative † marks and symptoms in the aged. Physiologic changes over the old ages of a long life seem to be responsible for damage of ordinance or map of many organ systems. Since map frequently is measured in clinical medical specialty by research lab testing, physicians often face hard clinical determinations as to the demand for farther rating of a patient based upon a laboratory trial consequence received. For the most portion, the research lab values obtained in aged individuals seem to fall into our traditional or alleged normal scopes, and small grounds supports the demand for separate sets of mention scopes for the aged. A few patients do demo abnormalcies on specific trials, and a few trial values can be expected more often than others to be out of line in healthy aged persons, specifically: serum alkaline phosphatase ( lifts to about 2.5 times the normal ) fasting blood glucose ( up to 135 to 150 mg/dl ) postprandial blood glucose or unwritten glucose tolerance trial ( increased supra normal to 10 mg/dl per decennary of age ) normal serum creatinine with the being of markedly decreased cre atinine clearance higher erythrocyte deposit rates ( up to 40 mm/hr ) haemoglobin ( lowest acceptable degree is 11.0 gm/dl in adult females ; 11.5 gm/dl in work forces ) BUN ( up to 28 to 35 mg/dl ) The presence of multiple diseases in aged patients, every bit good as the many medicines frequently taken, will no uncertainty be more of a beginning of confusion and alarm in the clinical correlativity of laboratory trial consequences than the deficiency of equal mention ranges specifically compiled for the aged. The inquiry â€Å" What trial consequence is important and raises intuition of disease? † will stay a portion of that all important integrating and correlativity of the information available to the doctor for the diagnosing and intervention of the patient. ( Kelso, 1990 ) Functions of Insulin: In add-on to its function of modulating glucose metamorphosis, insulin besides: Stimulates lipogenesis, diminishes lipolysis, increases amino acerb conveyance into cells, modulates written text, changing the cell content of legion messenger RNAs, stimulates growing, DNA synthesis, and cell reproduction. ( Diabetes Information Hub, n.d. ) Several endocrines oppose the action of insulin and, hence, will increase blood glucose. The chief endocrines that mediate this consequence are glucagon, growing endocrine, catecholamines, and corticoids. The addition in blood glucose can happen through suppression of insulin release, stimulation of glucose-yielding tracts ( glycogolysis, gluconeogenesis ) , or lessening of glucose consumption or usage by tissues. Jointly, additions in these endocrines can bring on a province of insulin opposition. Insulin opposition can besides be mediated by inflammatory cytokines ( TNF-alpha ) , fleshiness and gestation. Inflammatory cytokine s are thought to be responsible for insulin opposition observed in sepsis. Hyperglycemia in critical attention patients has been associated with a hapless result and has prompted the usage of glucose monitoring in such patients in human and veterinary medical specialty. In gestation, endocrines such as Lipo-Lutin can do insulin opposition ( this is thought to be mediated through growing endocrine release ) and consequences in gestational diabetes in worlds. Pregnancy-associated endocrines may besides lend to insulin opposition and hyperlipidemic syndromes in pregnant Equus caballuss, ponies and camelids. Glucagon: Glucagon causes an addition in blood glucose, by exciting gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis and easing glucose release from hepatocytes. Low blood glucose is the chief stimulation for glucagon release from alpha cells in pancreatic islets. Catecholamines ( epinephrine/norepinephrine ) : Epinephrine from the adrenal myelin Acts of the Apostless via beta-adrenergic receptor s, whereas norepinpherine is released from nerve terminations and Acts of the Apostless on alpha2-adrenergic receptors. Norepinephrine and adrenaline have somewhat opponent effects on insulin release ( norepinephrine inhibits, epinephrine stimulates ) , but the net consequence of both is increased blood glucose. This occurs via stimulation of glycogenolysis and release of glucose from hepatocytes ( adrenaline ) , and indirectly through suppression of insulin release ( noradrenaline ) , and release of growing endocrine ( adrenaline ) and ACTH ( which increases hydrocortisone ) . The addition in glucose in response to catecholamines is normally transeunt ( chiefly due to intermittent release of catecholamines ) and can be rather pronounced in cats, cowss and camelids. Growth endocrine ( GH ) : This increases blood glucose by suppressing glucose uptake by cells. It besides promotes glycogenolysis in musculus tissue. Progesterone may do insulin opposition by exciting secernment of GH. G rowth endocrine is released from the pituitary by growing hormone-releasing endocrine, which is secreted by the hypothalamus normally in response to low blood glucose and adrenaline. Corticosteroids: These increase blood glucose by bring oning glucose release from hepatocytes and suppressing glucose uptake by cells ( through diminishing GLU-4 ) . Corticosteroids besides stimulate gluconeogenesis and glucagon secernment ( which besides increases blood glucose ) . ( Cornell University, n.d. ) The prevalence of type 2 diabetes, which represents approximately 90 % of all diabetes, additions with age and affects 18-20 % of people over age 65 in the United States ( with a significant per centum of these instances being undiagnosed ) . ( National Diabetes Data Group, 1995 ) Recent recommendations to test all grownups over 45 old ages of age for elevated glucose degrees, with retesting every 3 old ages, should well cut down the figure of undiagnosed diabetic patients. ( American Diabetes Association, 1997 ) In add-on to the 20 % of the aged population with blunt diabetes, another 20-25 % fit standards for impaired glucose tolerance, a province that is associated with a double addition in the incidence of macrovascular complications. ( Abrass, and Schwartz, 1998 ) I found an interesting survey about the prevalence of diabetes in the aged. This survey states: To measure the prevalence of diabetes, separating between aged persons with diabetes diagnosed in in-between age ( â€Å" middle age-onset diabetes † ) from aged persons with late diagnosed diabetes ( â€Å" elderly onset diabetes † ) and to measure the load of complications and control of cardiovascular hazard factors in these groups. Research and methods: We analyzed informations from 2,809 aged persons from the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a cross-sectional nationally representative study of the civilian noninstitutionalised population of the U.S. Consequences: Among grownups aged a†°?65 old ages, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes was 15.3 % , stand foring 5.4 million persons in the U.S. The prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes was 6.9 % or 2.4 million persons. Aged persons with in-between age-onset diabetes had a much greater load of microvascular disease but have a similar load of macrovascular disease compared with persons with aged oncoming diabetes. Aged persons with in-between age-onset diabetes had well worse glycemic control ( proportion of persons with HbA1c & gt ; 7 % = 59.9 % ) compared with either aged oncoming ( 41.6 % ) or nonelderly persons with diabetes ( 55.3 % ) . Persons with aged oncoming diabetes were besides less likely to be taking glucose-lowering medicines. Decision: In this survey, we documented a high prevalence of diabetes among aged persons and high rate of hapless glycemic control in this population. Persons with in-between age-and aged oncoming diabetes appear to stand for distinguishable groups with differing loads of disease and perchance differing intervention ends. Future surveies of diabetes in aged persons may necessitate to see stratification based on age of diagnosing. ( Selvin, Coresh, and Brancati, 2006 ) . Risks of Diabetic Complications in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes. Before reexamining the benefits of specific curative intercessions, it is of import to see the magnitude of the hazards associated with type 2 diabetes in older grownups. Macrovascular disease: The morbidity and mo rtality associated with macrovascular events far outweigh the hazards of microvascular complications in older people with diabetes. In the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study ( UKPDS ) , 9 % of type 2 diabetic patients developed microvascular disease after 9 old ages of followup, compared to rates of 20 % for macrovascular complications. ( Turner, Cull, and Holman, 1996 ) A In the United States, where diabetes is the 4th most common cause of decease, atherosclerotic macrovascular disease histories for every bit much as 75 % of all mortality in type 2 diabetes. ( Geiss, Herman, and Smith, 1995 ) A recent prospective survey indicated that patients with type 2 diabetes without a history of anterior bosom onslaught have equal, if non greater, hazards of myocardial infarction ( MI ) compared to those without diabetes who have had anterior bosom onslaughts ( 20.2 % vs. 18.8 % incidence of MI, severally, over 7 old ages ) . ( Haffner, Lehto, Ronnemaa, Pyorala, and Laasko, 1998 ) A Al though non from an intercession test, these informations suggest that older diabetic patients should be treated as sharply for diabetes and cardiovascular hazard factors as the secondary bar attempts presently aimed at people with known cardiovascular disease. Microvascular disease: Diabetess is the most frequent cause of sightlessness and nephritic failure in the United States, and the microvascular complications of diabetes rise with increasing continuance of disease and declining glycemic control. ( Klein, Klein, and Moss, 1996 ) A Although bettering glycemic control clearly reduces microvascular complications, it is of import to acknowledge that the incidence of terrible or end-stage microvascular complications is much lower for type 2 diabetic patients than for type 1 patients, presumptively because of their older age of oncoming and increased viing hazards for decease. ( Vijan, Hofer, and Hayward, 1997 ) Estimates of the life-time hazards of developing sightlessness due to diabetic retinopathy or of come oning to end-stage nephritic disease show the diminution in these hazards with progressing age of oncoming of type 2 diabetes. ( Vijan, Hofer, and Hayward, 1997 ) These estimations are similar to the ascertained rates of nephritic failure in the UKPDS test s but are slightly lower than ascertained rates of sightlessness, in portion because UKPDS rates included all causes of sightlessness instead than merely instances in which sightlessness was due to diabetic retinopathy. ( UK Prospective Diabetes Study, 1998 ) Arteriosclerosis: It is seen in patients of both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Arteriosclerosis of the appendages is a disease of blood vass characterized by contracting and hardening of the arterias that supply the legs and pess. It consequences in lessened blood flour which can take to injury of nervousnesss and other tissues. Normally the consequence is seen in the legs and pess. Pain occurs in the legs while walking and is relieved with remainder. Numbness of legs or pess may happen while at remainder. There may be cold pess or leg. Muscle hurting may be felt in thighs or calves. There may be loss of hair on the legs and alteration in coloring material of the legs. Pulse is weak or absent in the limb. Arteriosclerosis is normally associated with ulceration, calcification and thrombosis. Calcium sedimentations in the walls of the arterias leads to contracting and stiffness of arterias. It is normally seen in patients above 50 old ages of age. The sick effects of accelerated coronary artery disease in diabetes are early oncoming of coronary arteria diseases, soundless myocardial infarction, intellectual shot and sphacelus of the appendages is 100 times more common in diabetes than in non-diabetes. Diabetic Nephropathy: Kidney harm from diabetes is called diabetic kidney disease. It is besides known as Diabetic glumerulosclerosis. In this a peculiar type of nephritic lesion is seen which may be diffuse or nodular. The diffuse lesion occurs chiefly due to generalised thickener of the cellar membrane of glomerular capillaries. The nodular lesion is in the signifier of rounded multitudes of hyaline stuff which are superimposed upon the diffuse lesion. These lesions are known as kimmelsteil Wilson orga nic structures. Initially, Diabetic kidney disease that is, diseased little blood vass in the kidney leads to leakage of protein in the piss. As the disease progresses, the kidney stops cleaning and filtrating blood. This leads to accretion of toxic waste merchandises in the blood. So, patient is kept on dialysis machine, which serves the intent of filtrating and cleaning the blood. Kidney organ transplant is done if the patient is non willing to travel under dialysis. Diabetic Retinopathy: Retinopathy is the commonest long term complication of diabetes. It is taking cause of sightlessness. These are diseased little blood vass in the dorsum of the oculus which causes the escape of protein and blood in the retina. Disease in these little blood vass may besides do the formation of Micro aneurisms. They appear as minute, discrete, round, dark ruddy musca volitanss near to the retinal vass. They look like ting bleedings. These are besides formation of new, brickle blood vass. Sudden hem orrhage from the new and brickle blood vass can take to retinal scarring and retinal withdrawal, therefore impairing the vision. Soft exudations are seen. But the difficult exudations are more common and are characteristic characteristic of Diabetic Retinopathy. They are xanthous in coloring material, have irregular, aggressively defined borders and may change in size from little pinpoints to big round spots. Besides, Retinopathy-diabetics are besides prone to cataract and Glaucoma. Diabetic Microangiopathy: It is characterized by cellar membrane thickener of little blood vass and capillaries of assorted variety meats and tissues such as the tegument, oculus, skeletal, musculus, kidney, etc. Similar type of cellar membrane inspissating many besides be seen in nonvascular tissues such as Peripheral nervousnesss, nephritic tubules etc. Diabetic microangiopathy chiefly occurs due to recurrent hyperglycaemia. Diabetic Neuropathy: It involves impermanent or lasting harm to steel tissue. Nerve tissue gets injured chiefly due to reduced blood flow and rise in blood glucose degrees. Approximately 50 % of patients, enduring from diabetes from last 10-20 old ages, develop Diabetic neuropathy. Some patients develop nerve harm earlier while few patients do non develop nerve harm. Diabetic neuropathy affects all parts of the nervous system but peripheral nervousnesss are most normally affected. It affects cranial nervousnesss or the nervousnesss from spinal chord or their subdivisions. Nerve hurt usually develops in phase. In earlier phases, prickling esthesis or intermittent hurting in celebrated peculiarly in the appendages such as pess. But in ulterior phase, the hurting is uninterrupted and terrible. At last, a painless neuropathy develops, that in there is loss of hurting esthesis in an country. The increases the opportunity of terrible tissue hurt because hurting does non alarm the patients to injury. Therefore, the common symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are Numbress , Tingling, Decreased esthesis to a organic structure portion, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Loss of vesica control, Impotence, Facial drooping, Drooping palpebra, Drooping oral cavity, Vision alterations, Weakness, Speech damage, etc. These symptoms normally develop bit by bit over old ages. Infections: Diabetics have increased susceptibleness to assorted infections, such as TB, pneumonias, pyelonephritis, carbuncles and diabetic ulcers. This may be due to hapless blood supply, reduced cellular unsusceptibility or hyperglycaemia. Heart Disease And Stroke: Patients with diabetes are four times more prone to develop Heart disease than those who do non hold diabetes. They may endure from Heart Attack, Chest Pain or Angina, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, etc. Patient with diabetes may develop soundless Heart Attacks that is bosom attacks that take topographic point without demoing any specifics symptoms. It is because in diabetics there is damaged nervus, so the patient does non experience an y chest hurting, and therefore is non cognizant of the oncoming bosom onslaught. ( Diabetes mellitus, n.d. ) To suit Mr. Jenaro`s linguistic communication barrier, a transcriber may be the perfect option. Other options are to supply Mr. Jenaro his instruction stuff in Spanish. There are several Web pages from which instruction stuff can be provided. When the patient is ill, he/she is under emphasis. To cover with this emphasis, the patient`s organic structure releases endocrines that help it fight disease. But these endocrines have side effects. They raise blood sugar degrees and interfere with the blood sugar-lowering effects of insulin. As a consequence, when the patient is ill, it is harder to maintain his/her blood sugar in your mark scope. Ketoacidosis taking to a diabetic coma can develop, peculiarly in people with type 1 diabetes. Peoples with type 2 diabetes, particularly older people, can develop a similar status called hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma. Both conditions are unsafe and can be dangerous. Making a Sick-Day Plan: Fix a program for ill yearss in progress. Work with his/her physician, or a diabetes pedagogue. The program will include when to name his/her diabetes squad, how frequently to mensurate blood sugar and urine ketones, what medicines to take, and how to eat. Besides, attach to his/her program a list of phone Numberss for his/her physician, diabetes pedagogue, and dietitian. Make certain he/she besides knows how to make them at dark and on weekends and vacations. Then when unwellness work stoppages, he/she will be ready. When to Name the Diabetes Team: He/she does non necessitate to name his/her squad every clip he/she has a snuffle. But he/she will likely desire to name if certain things happen. For illustration: He/she has been ill or hold had a febrility for a twosome of yearss and are n't acquiring better, he/she has been purging or holding diarrhoea for more than 6 hours, he/she has moderate to big sums of ketones in his/her piss, his/her glucose degrees are higher than 240 even though he/she has taken the excess insulin his/h er sick-day program calls for, he/she take pills for his/her diabetes and his/her blood sugar degree climbs to more than 240 before repasts and corsets at that place for more than 24 hours, he/she have symptoms that might signal diabetic acidosis or desiccation or some other serious status ( for illustration, his/her thorax injuries, he/she is holding problem external respiration, his/her breath odors fruity, or his/her lips or lingua are dry and cracked ) , he/she isn`t certain what to make to take attention of him/herself. He/she should be ready to state what medicines he/she has been taken and how much, how long he/she has been ill, whether he/she can eat and maintain nutrient down, whether he/she has lost weight, and what his/her temperature, blood sugar degree, and urine ketone degree are. To be prepared, maintain written records of all these things every bit shortly as he/she becomes ill. Keep his/her Notebook Handy: No affair what sort of diabetes she/he has, step his/her blo od sugar and urine ketones more frequently than usual. If he/she has type 2 diabetes, look intoing blood sugar four times a twenty-four hours may be plenty. He/she might merely necessitate to mensurate ketones if his/her blood sugar is higher than 300. If he/she does non hold a metre, talk to his/her diabetes educator about acquiring one. Diabetes Medicines: When sick, he/she will still necessitate to go on medical specialty for his/her diabetes. Even if he/she is throwing up, do n't halt his/her medical specialties. He/she need them because his/her organic structure makes excess glucose ( sugar ) when he/she are ill. If he/she has type 2 diabetes, he/she may be able to take his/her pills, or he/she may necessitate to utilize insulin for a short clip. In either instance, work with his/her diabetes team to develop his/her sick-day program. Food: Eating and imbibing can be a large job when he/she is ill. But it ‘s of import to lodge to his/her normal repast program if he/she can . In add-on to his/her normal repasts, drink tonss of non-caloric liquids to maintain from acquiring dehydrated. These are liquids like H2O and diet soft drinks. It ‘s easy to run low on fluids when he/she is purging or have a febrility or diarrhoea. Excess fluids will besides assist acquire rid of the excess sugar ( and perchance, ketones ) in his/her blood. But what if he/she ca n't lodge to his/her normal repast program? His/her sick-day program should incorporate a repast program. Try to take in his/her normal figure of Calories by eating easy-on-the-stomach nutrients like regular ( non-diet ) gelatin, crackers, soups, and applesauce. If even these mild nutrients are excessively difficult to eat, he/she may hold to lodge to imbibing liquids that contain saccharides. Aim for 50 gms of saccharide every three to four hours. His/her sick-day program may include regular ( non diet ) soft drinks. Other high-carbohydrate liquids and almost-liquids are juice, frozen juice bars, sh erbert, pudding, creamed soups, and fruit-flavored yoghurt. Broth is besides a good pick. To fix for ill yearss, have onhand at place a little stock of non-diet soft drinks, stock, apple sauce, and regular gelatin. Medicines to Watch Out for: He/she may desire to take excess medical specialties when he/she is ill. For illustration, if he/she has a cold, he/she may desire to take a cough medical specialty. Teach the patient to ever look into the label of nonprescription medical specialties before he/she purchase them to see if they have sugar. Small doses of medical specialties with sugar are normally all right. But to be on the safe side teach the patient to, inquire the druggist or his/her squad about sugar-free medical specialties. Many medical specialties he/she take for short-run unwellnesss can impact his/her blood sugar degrees, even if they do n't incorporate sugar. For illustration, acetylsalicylic acid in big doses can take down blood sugar degrees. Some antibiotics lower blood sugar degrees in people with type 2 diabetes who take diabetes pills. Decongestants and some merchandises for handling colds raise blood sugar degrees. Teach the patient that if he/she must travel to the exigenc y room or see a different physician than usual, to be certain to state that he/she has diabetes, or that he/she should hold his/her designation watchband in apparent position. (, n.d. )

Monday, July 29, 2019

By The Waters Of Babylon Essay Research

By The Waters Of Babylon Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; By the Waters of Babylon # 8221 ; by Stephen Vincent Ben T I. Describe the narrative s expounding. During the expounding you learn that it is out to travel to any of the Dead Places except to seek for metal, and he who touches the metal must be a priest of the boy of the priest. You besides learn that John is the boy of a priest and is developing to go a priest. II. Describe the narrative s struggle. The struggle of the narrative is that John must over come his frights and travel to the metropolis. This is needed for him to go a priest. He must travel explore the metropolis. III. What events make up the narrative s lifting action? The lifting action is made up of many parts. John touches a piece his male parent got from the Dead Topographic point. He so fasted for a twenty-four hours and delay for a mark. He so saw an bird of Jove winging east. Then he had to get down his journey. He so goes to the metropolis and explores happening many statues and edifices. He so sees a adult male locating in a chair in one of the temples ( skyscrapers ) . IV. Describe the narrative s flood tide. The flood tide of the narrative is when John realizes that the adult male and all the work forces in the Topographic point of the Gods were merely normal people. He realizes they are more advanced worlds, but they were merely like he was. V. What events make up the narrative s falling action? The falling action is when John goes back to town to state his male parent what he saw. He so went to his male parent to be praised an purified. His male parent told him that # 8220 ; You went off a male child. You come back a adult male and a priest. # 8221 ; He started to travel to the Dead Topographic points to recover books and thaumaturgy tools. VI. Describe the narrative s declaration. The declaration is all summed up in two sentences. # 8220 ; They were work forces who were here before us. We must construct again. # 8221 ; They will larn the ways of the old people, and from that they will construct a better civilisation. They learned that all the regulations that had been put on them kept the from happening the truth about the Gods. VII. What complications increase the secret plan s tenseness? Several complications increase the secret plan s tenseness. There is great tenseness in the secret plan, because many of the things he is seeing were destroyed and difficult to understand what it is. We besides can non see what other people are believing, because the narrative is told in first individual, John. IX. Choose 3 of import symbols and depict what they represent within the narrative. The metal represents the regulations that the people have and things they do non understand. The adult male represents what worlds used to be and once more things they do non understand. The # 8220 ; ashing # 8221 ; statue represents what people think of things that they can non understand. Ten. What kind of individual is the chief character. John is a caring individual. He is immature so he is unfastened to new thoughts like the Gods being human. He is a good developed individual. You see every facet of John. He besides is a dynamic individual. He changes from believing that the people in the Dead Places were Gods to believing that they were normal people. Eleven. How does the scene affect the narrative s characters and the result? The scene of the narrative is a small E of New York metropolis. Them traveling from a rural part to a urban part make them think that they are small compared to the people in the urban country. Because of this they thought of the people in the City Gods. The result of the narrative shows that they learned that is what their hereafter will be like, and that those are the error they do non desire to do. Twelve. What is the narrative s subject? Why do you state this? The subject of the narrative is clip repetitions itself and each clip it gets better and better. I say this because the human civilisation was destroyed except for a few and yet they were able to re-start the civilisation that will likely one twenty-four hours govern the universe.

Protein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Protein - Essay Example The enzyme which is required for these processes to occur is alanine amino transferase. Proteins have various functions. They are broken down to amino acids which then provide energy to the body. Thus they serve as an energy source. They also form various enzymes, blood transporters and plasma proteins that perform the function of transport and help to control water balance. Proteins are also an integral part of clotting factors. Muscle proteins are also very important as they bring about contractions. Hormones such as insulin and glucagon are also made of proteins. Elastin and collagen which are integral parts of connective tissues are also made up of proteins. Compared to the digestion and absorption of other nutrients, the digestion and absorption of proteins is complex as various enzymes are involved in manufacturing of the end-products of proteins. Stomach is the major part of the gastrointestinal tract where protein digestion occurs. Acidity of the stomach allows activation of pepsin and denaturing of proteins which involves uncoiling. Further digestion occurs in the small intestine in the presence of proteolytic enzymes which form amino acids. Absorbed form of proteins are amino acids. The main harmful effect of amino acid supplementation is that it may hinder and decrease the absorption of other amino acids which may lead to an amino acid imbalance. This defect may occur because amino acids share absorption transport systems. Hence, it is advised that individual amino acid supplements should be avoided. Nitrogen balance is a standard which has been set to understand the excess or deficiency of proteins in the diet. The nitrogen balance keeps the amount of protein consumed and lost in balance. If the balance is disturbed, the person is said to have lost nitrogen equilibrium. Nitrogen balance is necessary to understand if the body is growing properly or not. Protein under-nutrition is also referred to as protein-energy malnutrition. Two most

Sunday, July 28, 2019

U.S. and Texas Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

U.S. and Texas Government - Essay Example It was thought that by having electors with a better political understanding, the choice of the president would be one to unite all Americans. Presently, for a US presidential candidate to be declared officially as the president, a 270 majority from the electorate college is mandatory. In the past, the Electoral College has denied some candidates the presidency. During the 1824 elections, Andrew Jackson failed on the president bid because, despite winning the popular vote, he only managed less than 50% of the electoral votes. Similarly, Samuel Tilden, during the 1876 elections failed to become president because he did not meet the threshold. Others who faced a similar ordeal were Grover Cleveland and the recent one Al Gore. Currently, the state of Texas has 38 electors while Wyoming has 3. However, seemingly, unfair, this system is fair given the populations of respective states. However, the smaller states are likely to perceive it otherwise. Besides Nebraska and Maine, all the other states use the ‘winner-takes-it-all rule. This rule influences the presidency in the sense that a state can be biased. ‘Swing states’ refer to a state that two main political parties share voters almost equally. Presidential elections ought to be reformed in a way that the general electorate’s wish is directly implemented. College educated voters are quite knowledgeable on electoral matters. Conversely, nonvoters tend to know mainly about the candidates, not issues discussed.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Write a policy brief for the following client ..national government Essay

Write a policy brief for the following client ..national government officials on whether the rise in anti-politics sentiments should be of concern - Essay Example The political class has continuously accrued benefits at the expense of the people they claim to represent. To eliminate the rise of anti-political sentiments, the nationalism sentiments must be promoted through equitable distribution of resources. Self-serving politicians have caused the populace to develop a strong dislike for politics. The low political interest and anti-political sentiments can be overcome through intentional steps understand the needs of ordinary people. Therefore, politicians should take time to discuss with their policies with the public even when they are occupying powerful positions. It is recommended that politicians make policies through consultative processes. Structured decision making processes ease tension and reduce anti-political sentiments. In many parts of the world, people have been developing disenchantment from politics. The persistence in alienation has been increasing. According to Hansard -Audit of political involvement-, the start of the 21st century assessment indicated the desire of the British people to have meaningful and significant improvement in the government and political systems. Over six out of ten Britons had little or no faith in the political systems. An increasing number of people have lost confidence on the political system. This has been clearly seen through the desire to have an overhaul of the electoral system. The focus has been to make a system that is inclusive and reflective of the needs and desires of the people. Political participation by citizens is a multidimensional issue. The rise of anti-political sentiments has been stirred by poor governance and insensitivity from the leadership. There is a dire need to develop policy that encourages inclusiveness and political equity (Hansard So ciety 2011, 17). There are calls to increase and develop the political capacity of the citizens and to establish new politics that respect with concerns of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discuss whether supermarket are benefical to the society they operate Essay

Discuss whether supermarket are benefical to the society they operate within in the united kingdom - Essay Example The three-quarters of food shopping are made through just four firms. Supermarkets’ claims on fulfilling their corporate social responsibility can not be measured in the absence of relevant benchmarks. There is greater need to bring the civil society organisations to the table with supermarkets to hold a discussion on social, environmental and ethical issues but supermarkets are not coming forward in good numbers to follow an approach where transparency and stakeholder interests are protected with the participation of civil society organisations. A number of reasons can be attributed to the supermarkets’ withdrawal from such initiatives the like of Race to the Top (RTTT) project whose objective was to set benchmarks taking into confidence the civil society organisations (RTTT Final Report). Government intention to develop major performance indicators for the food sector created fear in the supermarket lobby of a new governance structure by selecting a successful RTTT. Supermarkets had not been forthcoming in providing data, which was crucial for partnering with society stakeholders. External data is costly because of expensive labour and methodological issues although crucial in showing change in comparison to supermarkets’ data showing company policies only (RTTT Final Report). There was lack of staff time and technical know-how. The timing of pressurising the supermarket companies to bring transparency in data on environmental and social effects mismatched because of their disinterest in providing the information due to cost cutting measures to remain in competition with leading market giants (RTTT Final Report) Another problem is the heterogeneous nature of the UK supermarket in terms of scale, ownership and customer base. Companies are wary of running such business initiatives that map the customer rather than the companies on sustainability of high animal-welfare food items (RTTT Final Report). The high

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Prophecy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Prophecy - Essay Example The prophecy of denunciation is when the events in the future are foretold based on the surrounding causes which can be prevented only by divine intervention or a miracle. Prophets speak definitely when they tell such prophecies of denunciation ( The prophecy of foreknowledge deals more with the individual, and man, in general. This kind of prophecy occurs when God shows the future that are relatively the consequences of man’s actions and decisions, including the occurrences of war and the unending debates between the religious and the government ( The prophecy of predestination is a kind of prophecy where it is only God who can make such events happen, and He is the only one who knows when it will happen. This implies God’s infallibility and divine power over all living things on earth ( History. The Catholic Church has recognized the Book of Revelation as the last form of prophecy, despite the numerous blessed individuals that she has recognized to have the gift of prophecy. From the Greek word, apokalypto, meaning to reveal, the Book of Revelation has been also known as the Apocalypse ( The Apocalypse was written by the apostle John, who traditionally, was recognized as the Seer. Arguments have been raised against the Apocalypse during the early ages, as Romans have contested its context, and it was only before the beginning of the third century, historians of the Catholic Church recognized the Apocalypse to be a gospel of John, the apostle ( Major Divisions of the Apocalypse. The Book of revelations is structured into three divisions, namely: the exhortatory letters, the seven seals and the drama of the lamb. The first part of the book focuses on the seven churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. The letters are epistles written for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Paper 2 Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paper 2 Humanities - Essay Example Informatively, this essay discusses artists of the impression, a genre used by modern artists more often than the traditional art genre. Additionally, it will analyze an example of a work of art belonging to this genre by a renowned artist, Edgar Degas. History of the impressionists Nobody ever thought that what began as an insult in the year 1874 would grow into an internationally recognized and accepted genre of art. Impressionists were a diverse group of artists rejected by the art establishment, but were so much in love with art to give up. Determined to express themselves and prove their skills, they established their own exhibition, which allowed bright and multicolored paintings, which were different from the traditional exhibition art works. Impressionism, as artists of the French art exhibition described them, were artists too lazy to complete their paintings for gallery exhibition. These artists had no opportunity to stage their work in the French gallery. Most of them felt that the rules of exhibiting paintings in the art gallery were too rigid, allowing them no freedom of personal expression (Gonzales, et. al. 203). They believed that art was fun, but with the gallery defining rules for exhibition, it lost its interesting part, becoming a boring exercise. Characteristics of the impressionists The subject matter and technique of painting are the characterizing features of impressionist artists. Modernity is what the impressionists sought to express in their paintings (Moffett 86). Typically, they painted landscapes and scenes from both modern urban and suburban life, expressed in pure and bright colors. Preferring the use of the outdoor setting rather than a studio, these artists captured the actual setting they were presently in, in their paintings (Gonzales, et. al. 204). This made their work more engaging and interesting, unlike the studio artists, as the audience could relate to it better and more easily. Their work demonstrated the activities of everyday life, especially the middle class. In their paintings, they showed activities such as shopping, working, strolling, leisure, among other activities such as love. However, most of the impressionists painted about nature (Moffett 86). Their paintings were so simple that one did not require the services of an interpreter to know the ideas behind the reasoning of an artist (Gonzales, et. al. 204). Additionally, the simple nature of their artwork identified each artist with their work, an element absent from the traditional art genre. Significance of the impressionists Despite criticisms that the impressionists artists faced, they played a big role in the revolution of the modern art. The determination in which they had in fighting for their voice in art world paid off when the audience started appreciating their work. Although their first few exhibition projects did not pay off, the impressionists held top their dream of making their style known to the people (Salvi et al. 4). Now, modern artwork incorporates many features and characteristics of the impressionists’ artwork features. Modern artists freely use color, and prefer landscaping, urban and suburban lifestyles in their work. Some imaginatively however incorporate culture in their artwork. Salvi et al. (5) point out that the introduction of a new style of painting also did away with interpreters. In the French gallery, there were painting interpreters who guided the audience in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Desire2learn (D2L) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Desire2learn (D2L) - Essay Example Current data is converted according to the new system and transferred into the new database. This phase will further facilitate any additional feature is required by the user of the system (Anonymous, 2007). Even after intense analysis during system development and implementation there is a change of some feature might have been left out. The importance of these requests should be analyzed carefully to make any decisions to implement the changes instantly or to record them for future development. This activity will be performed occasionally to check the system in an operational environment. A representative from all the relevant departments will submit progress reports to discuss about the project status, problem reports (if required) and one technical specifications report after the end of the testing phase. The following reports must be submitted within the mentioned period: Staff in all of the departments are co-operating with the TUI team in order to transfer of data, information about data requirements, establishment of new policy procedures, application support, information about working procedures, etc. Steering Committee members should meet at the beginning of the project implementation and every quarter hereafter. This will assure that all stakeholders are agreed with the outcome of the project (Anonymous, 2007). As we all know that implementation is the key process of the analyzing phase of the software. Planners are assisted with planning software for the implementation of the projects. Project Desk planning software is an option to difficult planning tools. Project Desk reduces overfed unnecessary complications and entirely eliminates the requirements to install and manage hard to understand, implement and maintain project management tools.  Its benefits include cost effectiveness, team management, no specific hardware requirement, enhanced communication and free technical

Southwest Airline Co and Cost Accounting Essay Example for Free

Southwest Airline Co and Cost Accounting Essay Southwest Airline Co. is a major passenger airline that provides scheduled air transportation in the United States. Southwest provides point-to-point service which allows the use of key assets, including aircrafts, gates, employees, and the ability to provide frequent, conveniently- timed flights and low fares. Southwest Airlines has built its culture from the inside out and believes that the satisfied employees will keep customers coming back. Southwest Airlines operates with a low-cost structure that is designed to allow it to charge low airfares. With that said, cost accounting can have a pervasive influence in this and other organizations. From the company’s 2006 annual report-Disclosure Regarding Forward-Looking Information, Item 1A. Risk Factors; fuel price volatility presents one of the company’s most significant challenges. Southwest for the past five years of this annual report, has hedged its fuel risk as part of its lost cost strategy. While this also demonstrates the use of cost accounting, the company entered into fuel derivatives contracts to protect against rising fuel costs. Southwest Airlines uses cost accountants in contributing to the external financial reports such as inventory valuation as noted on page 55, under Notes Consolidated Financial Statements – (Continued) – Inventories, which consists of flight equipment expendable parts, materials, aircraft fuel, and supplies. The cost accountant determines the valuation method that is in the best interest of the company and favorable to the stockholder. There is an advantage to having cost accountants, they create reports used strictly for internal use and are not restricted to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). A cost accountant is free is use any costing paradigm that will result in an informative report for management. Such reports may consist of, but limited to job costing, direct costing, activity-based costing, process costing and more. Unlike internal reports, external reports are formatted and defined by GAAP Cost accountants focus on providing information for management decision making. The cost accountant can contribute several types of costing information to the planning process that are of assistance in making strategy alterations that will result in enhanced levels of profitability or the avoidance of low-profit strategy alternatives.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Black Social Movements Essay Example for Free

Black Social Movements Essay The political and social structure of the United States can be difficult to comprehend. How does one rationalize that in 1776, America declared its independence from England by stating, in part that â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,† yet, in 1818, in the very same country, Frederick Douglass is born a slave? (Jefferson, 2004 p. 612; Library). It appears that under certain circumstances, it is not self-evident that the Right to Liberty is unalienable. Fortunately, America has progressed, and while it would be difficult to support the position that Blacks have arrived at a point of complete equity with Whites, it is safe to say that giant strides have been made, but these strides have required action in the form of organized social movements. Blumer (1939) stated that â€Å"social movements can be viewed as collective enterprises to establish a new order of life. They have their inception in the condition of unrest, and derive their motive power on one hand from dissatisfaction with the current form of life, and on the other hand, from wishes and hopes for a new scheme or system of living† (p. 199). This analysis captures the meaning and significance of today’s Black social movements: that while the Black community now enjoys an increased equality and level of privilege when compared with what it was allowed in the recent past, there remains significant ground to be covered before true parity can be reached. The awareness of this need within the Black community has created both unrest and dissatisfaction, but past successes in the fight for social equality have nurtured a desire for even more change. One of the most influential areas of modern, American society is the media—specifically television—and it is here that an important social movement can be traced: the increased inclusion of Blacks on T. V. During the 1950’s, shows like I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, and Dick Clark’s American Bandstand all premiered (List of years in television). Each of these shows featured characters and storylines that dealt with an America that was portrayed as White. Moving into the 1960’s, a time of great advances in the Nation’s struggle for racial equality, the television fare featured the premier of The Dick Van Dyke Show, Green Acres, and the original Star Trek (List of years in television). This decade’s entertainment also featured a predominantly White world-view; however, Star Trek’s promise â€Å"to go where no man has gone before† was as much a testament to the people, issues, and possibilities that were at the forefront of social improvement as it was a reference to space travel (Star Trek: The Original Series). To the credit of Star Trek’s creator, Gene Roddenberry, his multi-racial, multi-gender crew, included Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura, a stunning, articulate, high-ranking, black woman whose role it was to keep lines of communication open. This was a step in the right direction for Blacks as it allowed White America to absorb a new concept: Blacks are intelligent, responsible, and worthy of authority; they do not exist merely to dust, clear tables, and act as the butt of jokes. Currently, the face of television has become far more diverse, and there are networks such as BET (Black Entertainment Television) that cater to and feature Blacks. It is my belief that the change that has taken place in television media over the last half-century can be attributed to the increased awareness of those who once had sole control of the medium (Whites), coupled with the increase in buying power of Blacks, and the desire on the part of Blacks to assume command of part of television (e. g. BET). The fact that Blacks desire greater representation and control within television media is part of the ongoing, modern social movement towards equality that the Black community embraces. What does this all mean? Primarily, it means that social changes come about slowly, pushed by two forces: natural social change, and active social movements. It was natural that at some point someone would include a character like Lieutenant Uhura in a series, but along with this natural progression, more action was needed. There was only one Uhura on television, but there were thousands of Black women like her out in the world. This is why networks such as BET are so important: they represent an active social movement in the Black community; an insistence that part of the focus, part of the power, and part of the control be in the hands of Blacks. It may be true that our Nation’s Declaration of Independence seemed to say one thing but represent another; however, Frederick Douglass survived the mixed message and went on to contribute significantly to American history and ideals. Today’s Blacks are aware of a truth Douglass understood: that to make strides, one must work within the framework of the majority, while never doubting the singular strength of an individual’s effect on a nation. Without the early encouragement of his Master’s wife, Douglass may not have been introduced to the desire to learn, but that desire led Douglass to greater pursuits (Douglass, 2004, pp. 62-65). The Black community is now represented in local, state, and federal government: a sign that the community is working individually (i. e. running and voting), and within the framework of the majority (i. e. the established government and its rules) to improve its position within the United States of America. Schools are filled with a variety of ethnicities, both in front of the classroom and seated within it, and Blacks are embracing the need to educate themselves to ensure better jobs, financial success, and future opportunities. Essentially, the focus of today’s Black social movements can be viewed as those actions that fall within the context of the majority’s framework and are designed to allow members of the Black community greater parity within this frameowrk. At the same time, these actions are being encouraged and supported on an individual by individual basis, so that the overall strength of each person can be added to the collective, and both might benefit from natural social change as well as active social movements. References Blumer, H. (1939). Collective behavior. In R. E. Park (Ed. ), An outline f the principles of Sociology. (pp. 199). New York, NY: Barnes and Noble. Douglass, F. (2004). Learning to read and write. In Comley, N. , Hamilto, D. , Klaus, C. H. , Scholes, R. , Sommers, N. (Eds. ), Fields of reading: motives for writing. (pp. 62-66). Boston, Mass. : Bedford. Jefferson, T. (2004). The Declaration of Independence. In Comley, N. , Hamilto, D. , Klaus, C. H. , Scholes, R. , Sommers, N. (Eds. ), Fields of reading: motives for writing. (pp. 612-615). Boston, Mass. : Bedford. Library of Congress, The. The Frederick Douglass papers. Timeline. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://rs6. loc. gov/ammem/doughtml/timeline. html. List of years in television. (2006, September 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ List_of_years_in_television. Star Trek: The Original Series. (2006, September 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Britains Collective Memory of Churchill

Britains Collective Memory of Churchill How has Britains physical heritage shaped the collective memory of Churchill? This chapter will discuss the concept of collective memory, why people remember certain aspects of history and how changing interpretations of the past shape the meanings and functions of heritage. Therefore, by assessing these features we can assess the purpose of the invention of the image of Churchill. By addressing these factors, this chapter will answer the questions: Why is a particular interpretation of heritage being promoted? Whose interests are being advanced or held back? In what kind of milieu was that interpretation communicated? Historians have frequently discussed which characteristics of the past make it beneficial to people. For example, first, history is essentially depicted as progressive in terms of evolutionary social development. Secondly, societies attempt to connect the present to the past in an unbroken trajectory through the use of various types of heritage, such as monuments or museums. Thirdly, the past provides a sense of termination in the sense that what happened in it has ended, while, finally, it offers a sequence, allowing us to locate our lives in linear narratives that connect past, present and future it gives a full and completed story, without any uncertainty which is why it is often reassuring. Once these traits are translated into heritage, in terms of identity, it provides familiarity and guidance, enrichment and escape. More compellingly, it provides a point of validation or legitimation for the present in which actions and policies are justified by continuing references to repr esentations and narratives of the past that are, at least in part, encapsulated through manifestations of tangible and intangible heritage. Heritage is most commonly, used to promote the burdens of history, the atrocities, errors and crimes of the past is not the past that are called upon to legitimate not only the atrocities but also the everyday politics of the present.[1] Heritage Heritage is a highly political process, it is malleable to the needs of power and therefore, is often subject to contestation and manipulation. Shared interpretations of the past, are used to construct and develop narratives of both inclusion, and exclusion.[2] Heritage is constructionist, therefore concerned with the selected meanings of the past in the present. This suggests that the past in general, and its interpretation as history or heritage, discusses social benefits as well as potential costs in the construction and reproduction of identities.[3]   Which is precisely why the way in which the image of Churchill is conveyed matters. If Churchill is being presented to the public as a flawless leader it can vastly affect how communities define themselves and their principles. Heritage is the selective use of the past as a resource for the present (and future), memory and commemoration are inexorably connected to the heritage process.[4] It is either a personal or instituti onal interpretation of history, therefore, the fact that institutions are picking the way in which Churchill is presented on a heritage level suggests that they have an agenda for this particular portrayal. Heritage is a highly politicised process that is subject to contestation and bound up in the construction, reconstruction and deconstruction of memory and identity. Memory always represents a struggle over power and is thus implicated in the who decides? questions about the future.[5] Thus, the image of Churchill is being used to legitimate the politics of the present. By giving the image of Churchill an iconic status the politicians of the present are attempting to build what could be considered as a broken trajectory i.e. to develop a cohesive identity amongst the public that will support the institution that is in power. This aspect of course is harmful, because by using the figure of Churchill, a white upper-class male, known for using offensive (racist) terms for minorities (to say the very least) and glorifying him as a national hero projects a very bad image and encourages people to believe that this behaviour ought to be revered as in the case of right-wing nationalists. The conception of heritage originated at a national scale and it still remains very much defined at this level. Nationalism and national heritage were both developed in nineteenth-century Europe. The idea of a national heritage was fundamental to the idea of the nation-state as it required national heritage to consolidate national identification, absorb or neutralise potentially competing heritages of social-cultural groups or regions, combat the claims of other nations upon its territory or people, while furthering claims upon nationals in territories elsewhere.[6] [Heritage is] [t]he promotion of a consensus version of history by state-sanctioned cultural institutions and elites to regulate cultural and social tensions in the present. On the other hand, Heritage may also be a resource that is used to challenge and redefine received values and identities by a range of subaltern groups.[7] Notions of power are central to the construction of heritage, and consequently identity, giving weight to the argument that heritage is not given; it is made.[8] Those who wield the greatest power, therefore, dictate or define what is remembered and consequently what is forgotten.   Memorial icons of identity such as monuments, memorials, and buildings that have been invested with meaning, carry conscious and subconscious messages and are subject to competing interests. Their very public visual presence translates powerful ideological messages that are never politically neutral, and ensures that the messages they convey are open to contested interpretations.[9] Those with the most at stake in political terms, and those with the greatest ability to exercise power, have a vested interest in the production of sites of cultural heritage and bring the past into focus to legitimise a present social order. It is an implicit rule that participants in any social order must presuppose a shared memory which is integral for a group or communal solidarity. The meaning of any individual or group identity, namely a sense of sameness over time and space, is sustained by recalling the past; and what is remembered is defined by the assumed identity.[10]   Nicholas Soames, the grandson of Churchill is a prime example of this. He has a vested interest in the maintained reputation of his grandfather and therefore seeks to bury any that attempt to besmirch Churchills reputation. Leaders use the past for a variety of political purposes. The nations heritage is therefore brought to the fore to calm anxiety about change or political events, eliminate citizen indifference toward official concerns, promote exemplary patterns of citizen behaviour, and stress citizen duties over rights.[11] Buckley supports this view: the question as to which symbols will define any given situation, will largely be determined by the practical question of which people and whose interests predominate. The selection process is carefully tailored and manipulated by individual members of a community or group with power or influence.[12] As sites of civic construction, they instruct citizens what to value concerning their national heritage and public responsibilities.[13] Such sites represent and embody power, greatness, resistance, memory and loss.[14] [Churchill is useful as to the public he possesses all these attributes] Monuments, for example: [m]ark the great pinnacles of human achievement selected from the past, they give an edifying sense that greatness was once possible, and it is still possible. They provide present generations with inspiration. Citizens re-enact and repeat the past in fixed locales as suggested by their national governments.[15] So for anyone to suggest that Churchill was not as brilliant as stated leaves the public lacking a role model to aspire to be. Heritage, not only serves to reinforce narratives of national identity but often works to supress the identity of minority or less powerful groups.[16] [As Churchills legacy does, he is a figure of war] Heritage inevitably reflects the governing assumptions of its time and context. It is always inflected by the power and authority of those who have colonised the past, whose versions of history matter.[17] There are many problematic positions within Heritage, the most relevant in this case being Uncritical Imperialism. There is a sizeable body of opinion that does not see any serious problem with the legacies of imperialism and race in heritage, and acts to validate it; a formation we might crudely label as uncritical imperialism. This can take various forms. For example, it can appear through simply ignoring, or airbrushing, imperialism from the heritage narrative in question. [This is precisely the type of people that subscribe to the reputation of Churchill]. Uncritical imperialism can also take the form of being outraged at any attempt even to raise difficult issues over heritage and race.[18] If these imperialist legacies are not dealt with i.e. they are overwhelmingly denied, repeated and acted out, rather than worked through it legitimises nationalism and is harmful.[19] In domesticating the past we enlist [heritage] for present causesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [it] clarifies pasts so as to infuse them with present purposes [20] heritage is often used as a form of collective memory, a social construct shaped by the political, economic and social concerns of the present.[21] Heritages are present-centred and are created, shaped and managed by, and in response to, the demands of the present and, in turn, bequeathed to an imagined future.[22]. As such, they are open to constant revision and change and are also both sources and results of social conflict.[23] Heritage may comprise no more than empty shells of dubious authenticity but derive their importance from the ideas and values that are projected on or through them.[24] Heritage is a cultural product and a political resource.[25] Heritages primary purpose is to invoke a sense of identity and continuity. Heritage as communication (Modernity attempted to fix space through the creation of rigidly territorial nation-states, promulgating ideologies which attempted to subsume differences through representations of homogeneity. But all too often, the grail of universal conformity has produced atrocity and genocide as those who do not fit have been driven out or eradicated. Heritage is heavily implicated in these processes as a medium of communication of prevailing myths and counter-claims.[26] Consumption of Heritage Heritage is used or consumed, what is consumed within heritage is its representation in the form of a historical narrative. Agents spend time, money or other resources on the production or reproduction of such historical narratives, in order to have them consumed as heritage. As the spending of resources is involved, it is logical that participating agents will have a specific purpose heritage narratives are not produced for nothing or for fun, but in order to, for example, preserve cultural values, attract tourists and tourist spending, or to reinforce specific place identities. The narratives convey the meanings of the heritage commodity, and as such take part in the processes of deliberately (or accidentally) creating place identities: [A] major outcome of conserving and interpreting heritage, whether intended or not, is to provide identityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ There may be other purposes as well, such as legitimation, cultural capital and sheer monetary value, but the common purpose is to make some people feel better, more rooted and more secure.[27] The general public lacks background heritage knowledge such as the fact that these emblems of heritage that are being shown are only specific interpretations of history. Monuments, museums, and other memorials they inscribe ideological messages about the past into the many practices and texts of everyday life, making certain versions of history appear as the natural order of things.[28] A monument is a structure, edifice or erection intended to commemorate a person, action or event.[29] In contrast, definitions of memorial focus on the preservation of specific memory and on their iconographic role in evoking remembrance. While the monument has often been built to promote specific ideals and aspirations e.g. statue of liberty etc. The memorial is essentially a retrospective form, idealising a past event, historic figure or deified place.[30] Monuments and memorials reassure non-combatants and relatives that the dead had died for a greater cause, one linked to abstract values of nationhood, camaraderie or Christian citizenship. Honouring the placeless dead is this what Churchill is? An icon for the placeless dead anchoring. The ideas are always solidified in the discourse of big words heroism, gallantry, glory, victory, and very sparingly peace.[31] Military memorialisation has become rationalised, routinized, standardised. The dead are no longer allowed to pass unnoticed back into the private world of their families. They were official property to be accorded appropriate civic commemoration in solemn monuments of official remembrance. Equality of sacrifice.[32] Churchills legacy is tied to war so if he becomes disgraced it disgraces families. Identity A major factor behind the decisions on how heritage related to Churchill is presented is identity. Therefore, to assess why particular aspects of Churchill are presented to the public, we must also understand why the concept of identity is the driving factor behind the presentation of heritage and then from that information, assess what the message is behind the portrayal of Churchill through heritage and what institutions would like you to feel from their portrayal of Churchill (What feelings and emotions are they trying to evoke? Who is it that decides what is displayed and why are they trying to make you feel this way? What do they gain?). Tosh argued that for any social grouping to have a collective identity, it has to have a shared interpretation of the events and experiences which have formed the group over time: as in the case of many nation states, emphasis may be on vivid turning points and symbolic moments which confirm the self-image and aspirations of the group.[33] Which is what the image of Churchill is a prime candidate for. These collective beliefs play a fundamental role in securing a sense of togetherness and cultural solidarity which is vital in the formation and legitimisation of any national identity.[34] National cohesion, in other words, requires a sense of collective awareness and identity endorsed through common historical experience. Unofficial memory is often seen as a binary opposite to national or official memory.[35] The popularised image of Churchill fits the message that the institution is trying to get across to the nation very well. During the 1990s, it was fashionable for theoreticians to argue that identities were becoming disembedded from bounded localities and the traditional frameworks of nation, ethnicity, class and kinship. At the core of such ideas lay the key assertion that global networks have diminished the importance of place and traditions, ruptured boundaries and created hybrid, in between spaces. In a sense, this is encapsulated in the idea that national heritage can be reconstructed as world heritage because certain sites and practices are of universal significance. the effect of Brexit reverses this. Hybridity and transnational identities may, for example, counter and complicate nationalist ideologies.[36] The resurgence of Churchills image to the fore-front of the media may be a result of the effects of Brexit. After approximately 40 years of developments in a globalised identity amongst those in what is now called the EU is disintegrating, the emphasis on characters that were seen as typicall y British heroes is on the rise hence Churchill. In a world in which identity is fundamental to politics and contestation at a global scale, understanding the means of articulating often vague feelings and senses of belonging becomes quite crucial. Heritage in its broadest sense is among the most important of those means, even more so because identity can no longer be framed primarily within the national context that has so defined it since the European Enlightenment of the eighteenth century. Not only do heritages have many uses but they also have multiple producers. These may be public /private sector, official/non-official and insider/outsider, each stakeholder having varied and multiple objectives in the creation and management of heritage.[37] Sites of memory and power are often constructed in public spaces, where they can operate as dichotomous sites of unification and sites of division.[38] Territoriality and its relation to identity Churchill is also used to justify a sense of territoriality. Also inherent in the production of sites of cultural heritage is the concept of territoriality. Memory is intimately bound up in efforts to construct territory and place.[39] Territoriality is synonymous with notions of a demarcated geographic space (a territory) which usually contains some kind of homogeneous, collectivised community sharing a collective identity or heritage.[40] Territoriality is often needed to stabilise and mobilise groups or individuals and their resources inside demarcated boundaries. Within societies then, various groups insert symbols into the cultural landscapes which resonate with their sense of heritage and identity, and which simultaneously incite remembering and mark territory. For territoriality to work, the group often places visual warning symbols around the agreed territory further to deny others access into the home area which is precisely why using the image of Churchill is harmful, particularly after Brexit as it only justifies his racist stance and therefore validates neo-fascists ideals. Not only does territoriality demarcate boundaries which are ultimately intended to exclude outsiders, but it is dichotomously aimed at seizing a shared public space and thus controlling those inside the territory. Flags, for example, which often reflect the heritage of a particular group or nation, are good examples of territorial signifiers. They tell outsiders that the territory they are about to enter or pass is not theirs. Rather it belongs to those who live within the demarcated boundary or to those who empathise with what the flag represents.[41] The purpose of using Churchill is to help encourage nationalism, and therefore an us and them attitude. Spatial practices which bolster and sustain the power of the dominant group are essential components for that groups control over the hegemonic values that it represents or imposes.[42] That dominant group is often the nation-state. Tilly, for example, argues that secure territorial boundaries and a monopoly of violence are the two defining characteristics of the present day state. Territorial boundaries are the foundations for institutions such as national sovereignty, citizenship, the modern welfare state and democracy.[43] The interlinked concepts of nationhood and statehood share a dependence on the notion of exclusivity concerning sovereign rights over access to territory. The notion that landscapes embody discourse of inclusion and exclusion is closely linked to the idea that manipulated geographies also function as symbols of identity, validity and legitimisation.)[44] The continuing importance of territoriality and its seemingly intractable relationship with the nation-state at the turn of the century has been questioned. globalisation embodying transnational economics, politics and cultures, the melting of borders, particularly in Europe, and an increasing sense of belonging to a global unit, has led to a distinct lack of engagement with the unitary nation-state.[45] [However, this will be reversed with the effect of Brexit and nationalism will rise]. Histories that are white-washed are streamlined by the rise of nationalism and its cultural solidification through what Hobsbawn and Ranger termed the invention of tradition.[46] It also impoverishes our collective understanding of the past, of the rich and complex mix of the multiple travels and flows of people that have worked in a multitude of ways to shape us all.[47] it gives rise to a sense of superiority and nationalism. The reason that identity is important when assessing heritage is because identity is about sameness and group membership and central to its conceptualisation. Which is a relevant concept when discussing the reasoning for the specific portrayal of Churchill. Douglas argues that identity is expressed and experienced through communal membership, awareness will develop of the Otherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Recognition of Otherness will help reinforce self-identity, but may also lead to distrust, avoidance and distancing from groups so defined. Public and National memory Memorialisation was a way to stake ones claim to visible presence in culture.[48] Places that constitute significant sites which have been invested with meaning. They are locations with which people connect, either physically or emotionally and are bound up in notions of belonging, ownership and consequently identity. Part of how you define yourself is symbolised by certain qualities of that place.[49]   This idea is taken forward with both Chartwell house (Churchills estate) and the Churchill war museum. These buildings linked with Churchill are designed to prompt these particular emotions *Insert findings* National memory is frequently thought of in conjunction with official memory that, in most societies, emanates from the state and its institutions, often representing the hegemonic needs and values of the general public. The state is usually the official arbitrator of public commemoration and, therefore, of nation heritage, and as such, it assumes responsibility over planning, maintaining and funding memorial monuments, programmes and events.[50] [Which is precisely what Churchill is used for, he is not just an icon- he himself is also a symbol to the families whom lost kin in ww2 which is why very few criticise him (or are even allowed to) as to insult Churchill is to insult the nations kins and suggest that their sacrifice was wasteful and not justified, the hagiography of Churchill gives credence to this sacrifice   therefore he is undefeated but this is possibly why there is an increasing amount of criticism building about him as family members related to soldiers who died become fewer there is less emotional attachment to the character of Churchill as **** says maybe once those with living memory of Churchill have passed we can finally have a genuine reassessment of Churchill the man rather than tackling a god]. In post-memory, memories are passed down through generations to be represented by people who have no personal attachment to the memory. Subsequently, they seek to re-use, re-enact and e-represent those memories in order to feel closer to their ancestors.[51] hence why those who do not possess living memories of Churchill will still feel so strongly about the condemnation of his character. Emotional memory has also been used to describe the transgenerational remembering of the traumatic events.[52] Yet what all of these typologies of memory have in common is the fact that they are attached inexorably to certain places. Sites of cultural heritage, therefore, such as buildings, monuments, plaques, museums and gardens of remembrance, incite our memories and reinforce our attachment to particular places.[53] Remembering and commemorating the past is an essential part of the present and is important for a number of reasons. Without memory, a sense of self, identity, culture and heritage is lost. Through remembering, identities are validated as well as contested, and the adoption and cultivation of an aspect of the past serves to reinforce a sense of natural belonging, purpose and place.[54] Identities and memories, like heritage, are inevitably selective in that they serve particular interests and political ideologies in the present.[55] Americans and Europeans are compulsive consumers of the past shopping for what best suits their particular sense of self at that time.[56]   This idea fits very well in the post-Brexit world as there seems to be a lot of cherry picking in terms of Anglo-historical figures in order to gain a cohesive outlook after the Brexit result and to provide people with a sense of purpose in a time of relative uncertainty. Histories are consequently bought to conform to the latest fashion. Memories are seen as selective and partial and used to fulfil individual, group or communal requirements of identity at a particular time and in a particular space: Times change, and as they do, people look back on the past and reinterpret events and ideas. They look for patterns, for order, and for coherence in past events to support changing social, economic, and cultural values.[57] Subsequently new, more appropriate, histories are invented: Invented traditions are normally governed by overtly or tacitly accepted rules and of a ritual or symbolic nature, which seek to inoculate certain values and norms of behaviour by repetition, which automatically implies continuity with the past. In fact, they normally attempt to establish continuity with a suitable historic past.[58] [Churchill was from a period in which the public last felt relevant on the public stage]. Tosh suggests that social groupings require a narrative of the past which serves to explain or justify the present, often at the cost of historical accuracy. He states: memories are modified to suit particular situations or circumstances and do not always correlate with historical truths.[59] Histories can become distorted and permeated (often deliberately) with inaccuracies and myths during the selection process, making the act of forgetting in memory construction just as crucial for the cultivation of identity.[60] Interpretation is predetermined by the social, economic, political and/or local context. Societies justify current attitudes and future aspirations by linking them to past traditions which helps bond and unify factionalism.[61] temporal representations as part and parcel of their drive to implant and reinforce their hold on society.[62] Heritage statue of Churchill, Westminster. House of Commons mid stride, hands on hips old. Oscar Nemon Statue of Churchill in Parliament square old big coat, walking stick- him as was at Yalta where my statue will go its grade II listed. Churchill in terms of heritage and masculinity Heritage predominantly tells male-centred story, which seeks to promote a masculine, and in particular an elite-Anglo-masculine, vision of the past and present. The links between heritage and identity are often taken for granted we protect, manage, interpret for visitors, and visit heritage sites because they are, in some way, symbolic of our identities. Material heritage and in