Saturday, August 31, 2019

Extracurricular Activities in a Student’s Life Essay

Extracurricular activities can empower students to make their own decisions and help them gain vital experience and skills to lead them on the path to their future. The Facts According to the Montana State University Extension Service, students involved in extracurricular activities are more likely to become leaders, more willing to complete tasks, more willing to voice opinions, and more likely to graduate from high school and have annual incomes of more than $50,000. Extracurricular activities are also a good way to explore social, political, and career interests. Gain Experience through Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities help students gain experience in a variety of areas that will enhance their future. Through participation in sports, students learn cooperation, teamwork and time management. By serving as an officer in an organization, students learn responsibility, problem solving and communication. Extracurricular activities can also help students discover hidden talents, meet people they might otherwise not encounter, and learn about things outside their own environment. How to Choose an Activity But which activities should a student choose? Should they choose activities that use talents they already possess and meet people with similar talents, or should they choose something new and different and meet people who possess different opinions and skills? Some students are comfortable with growth while others will feel more comfortable with familiarity. If a student enjoys outdoor activities, he or she may want to look into archery clubs, horseback riding or other sports. If a student enjoys reading he or she may also enjoy literary clubs, writing clubs or journalism activities. Extracurricular activities are also a good way to learn appreciation for new and different activities. A student who would ordinarily choose football or baseball might think about exposing themselves to archery or bird watching. Choosing something outside a student’s comfort zone widens horizons and expands knowledge. Being open to new avenues by joining the newspaper staff, the computer club or the decorative painter’s club will expose students to new people and new ideas. What Activities Are Available? Activities can be found by checking with school counselors, reading the club section of the local newspaper, calling the Chamber of Commerce, asking other students what activities they are involved in and checking with area churches. Information on volunteer activities can often be obtained from community service organizations or teachers. Teachers can be a wealth of information concerning work-study programs, internships and summer jobs; all of which help students build their resume and gain valuable experience in their career field. If a student has already chosen a career path, extracurricular activities can help pave the way. If he or she is interested in teaching science, being an officer in the science club or entering the local science fair can show commitment. Community service at a nearby pharmacy or volunteering at a lab at a nearby hospital or plant can also give experience in the chosen field and can be included on a resume. Ask Questions It’s important to inquire about the organization. Is there a cost involved? Will participants be asked to raise money? How often does the organization meet? Are evenings and weekends involved? Are outside activities required? How many hours will the organization’s activities entail? Checking school and work schedules should also be done before joining any organization. Extracurricular activities are important, but they shouldn’t take up all of a student’s time outside the school day. There should still be time for homework, chores, relaxing, and spending time with friends and family. A combination of all these are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Extracurricular activities should complement a student’s life, not complicate it. When students are involved in too many activities or in an activity that takes up too much time, students will become stressed and grades and family relationships begin to suffer. Students should be careful not to overextend themselves by taking on too many activities or volunteering for too many jobs or committees in an organization. Serving as an Officer of an Organization Serving as an officer of an organization can also teach a variety of skills. Leadership and management responsibilities can be gained through serving as President. Recorders or Secretaries gain experience in writing and journalism. Treasurers gain bookkeeping and money handling experience. Each office holds valuable skills that can be used in the future. Many students who ran for Student Body President of their school have gone on to become Chief Executive Officer of an organization or President of their own company. Running for office also gives students experience in campaign management, advertisement and people skills. Some students may choose to get to know an organization better before becoming an officer. They will still have opportunities to serve on committees or volunteer for projects throughout the year. Teamwork, communication and organization skills are all gained by serving on a committee or working on a club project. Commitment Learning to stick with an activity from start to finish is another important lesson of extracurricular activities. Once a commitment to a club, activity or committee is made, students should hang in there even if the activity isn’t quite what they expected. By learning to see activities through to the end, students learn valuable lessons they will use later in life. They will be less likely to drop out of school, less likely to quit a job and less likely to walk away from a relationship prematurely. Gain Vital Experience and Skills for the Future Experience gained from extracurricular activities will follow students throughout their lives. It is surprising to note that when the top two candidates in the running for a job are closely matched, something like â€Å"Eagle Scout† listed on their resume can help decide the tie. Prestigious honors like National Honor Society, English Honor Society or Gamma Beta Phi are noticed by potential employers. They look for competent workers that are go-getters and are willing to get involved and go the extra mile. Even something like Scouting or 4-H tells employers about the person behind the resume. Taking the time to get involved in extracurricular activities will benefit students in a variety of ways. Time away from the school day through participation in extracurricular activities can also serve as an outlet for stress and a way to build confidence and self-esteem. Students need encouragement to pursue their dreams. Not only will it empower them to make their own decisions, they will also be given a chance to gain vital experience and skills that will lead them on the path to their future.

Friday, August 30, 2019

City of Mumbai (Bombay) Essay

Towns and cities have a long history in our world, but opinions vary on whether any particular ancient settlements can be considered to be a city. The first true towns are sometimes regard as large settlements where the populations were no longer simply farmers of the surrounding area, but began to take on specialized occupations, and where trade, food storage and power was centralized. By definition of the city, the first we know of were located in Mesopotamia and in Egypt along the Nile. Before this time it was uncommon for communities to reach considerable size, although there were exceptions such as Jericho and Mehrgarh. Among the early cities, Mohenjo-daro of the Indus Valley Civilization was the largest, with an estimated population of 41,250 , as well as the most developed in many ways, as it was the first to use urban planning, municipal governments, grid plans, drainage, flush toilets, urban sanitation systems, and sewage systems. Our course examines politics and government of selected cites such as Chicago and Miami, this paper will shed light on Mumbai, one the world’s most important and fastest growing city. Mumbai is the most populated city in the all of India and the home of world renowned Bollywood, yet there are still many that have never even heard of the city. This is mostly due in fact to its recent name change; the majority of people around the world still refer this city as Bombay but in 1995 the major city went under a name change and now goes by the name of Mumbai. Present-day Mumbai was originally a group seven islands, and artifacts found near Kandivali, in northern Mumbai indicate that these islands had been inhabited since the Stone Age. Documented evidence of human habitation dates back to 250 BC, when it was known as Heptanesia. In 1534, the Portuguese took over the islands from Bahadur Shah of Gujarat, and named it Bom Baia, Portuguese for â€Å"good bay†. In 1668 these islands were leased to the British East India Company which founded a deep harbor on the east coast of the islands to be ideal for setting up their first port in the sub-continent. Not long after, the population rose from 10,000 in 1661, to almost 6 times that in the next fifteen years. The year 1869 marked the opening of the Suez Canal, which transformed Bombay into one of the largest seaports on the Arabian Sea. Over the next few decades the city grew into a major urban centre, this was spurred by major improvements in infrastructure and the  construction of many of the city’s institutions. India’s independence in 1947 labeled the city as the official capital of Bombay State, and in 1950 with the incorporation of the southern parts of Salsette Island, the city expanded to its present limits. Until the 1970s Calcutta remained as India’s most populous city, but thanks to a construction boom and a significant influx of migrants, Bombay would overtake Calcutta and to this day hold the title of India’s most populous city. And finally as stated earlier, in 1995, the city was renamed Mumbai by the government of Maharashtra, in keeping with their policy of renaming colonial institutions after historic local appellations. As of today the population of Mumbai is approximately 13 million, with a staggering density of roughly 29,000 persons per square kilometer. The ratio of women to men is about 81%; this gap is created by working males who come from rural areas. Mumbai’s overall literacy rate is above 86%, which is higher than the national average. Another surprising figure is the low crime rate; for a city of its size, Mumbai has a moderate crime rate. Mumbai recorded 27,577 incidents of crime in 2004, which is down 11% from 30,991 in 2001. The most common language spoken on streets of Mumbai is an informal form of Hindi, known as Bambaiya, which can be best described as a blend of Hindi, Marathi, Indian English and some invented words. Unfortunately, Mumbai suffers urbanization problems resembling those in many fast growing cities in developing countries such as the ones we study in the course. Issues of widespread poverty, poor public health and high unemployment affect a large section of the population. Also, with little available space to live, Mumbai inhabitants often reside in overcrowded, yet expensive housing, usually far from workplaces, which leads them to make long commutes on crowded mass transit, or clogged air polluted roadways. According to the Business Week, around 45-48% of the population lives in shantytowns and slums. Mumbai is known across the world as the commercial, but primarily, entertainment capital of India. When focusing on Mumbai it’s impossible to ignore its entertainment industry. Most of India’s major television and satellite networks are headquartered in Mumbai, as well as its major  publishing houses. It is hard to find someone, even all the way here in Montreal that hasn’t seen a Bollywood movie. But its not all lights, camera, action in Mumbai, the city also houses important financial institutions, such as the Reserve Bank of India, the Bombay Stock Exchange, the National Stock Exchange of India as well as the corporate headquarters of many Indian companies. Thanks to its immense business opportunities and the relatively high standard of living Mumbai has attracted people from all over India and around the world which makes it a hodgepodge of diverse communities and cultures. The bulk of Mumbai’s prosperity is no longer due to the textile mills and the seaport, the local economy has been diversified to include financial services, engineering, diamond polishing, healthcare and information technology. MumbaÄ « contributes 10% of India’s factory employment, 40% of income tax collections, 60% of customs duty collections, 20% of central excise tax collections, 40% of foreign trade and Rupees 40 billion (US$ 9 billion) in corporate taxes. The city is run by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) (formerly the Bombay Municipal Corporation), with executive power vested in the Municipal Commissioner, who is an IAS officer appointed by the state government. The Corporation comprises 227 directly elected Councilors representing the twenty four municipal wards . Mumbai isn’t immune to the commuting nightmares that face the citizens of most modern-day metropolitans. The general public, even those considered the upper class, rely on public transport to travel to and from their workplace. The lack of car parking spaces, horrendous traffic and poor road conditions makes it pointless for even those who can afford it, to own a vehicle. None the less, MumbaÄ « is a very unique city, already over 13 million citizens it continues to grow but at the same time continues to prosper and become one of the greatest cities of the 21st century.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

International Project Management Association Essay

?International Association of Project and Program Management (IAPPM) Vision- (iappm. org 2013) To enhance and add value to our global members and the project community at large allowing them to manage projects and programs successfully using the right tools, skillsets and methods. Mission- (iappm. org 2013)As a worldwide global project organization IAPPM will create value together with our members, project communities, business partners and corporations by leveraging our content, collaboration and business management insight. The IAPPM focuses on project and program management in the private sector, offering their insight to partners, PM communities, and members globally. International Project Management Association (IPMA) Vision- (ipma. ch, 2013) Our Vision: IPMA is the leading authority on competent project, programme and portfolio management (PPPM). Through our efforts, PM best practice is widely known and appropriately applied at all levels of public and private sector organizations. IPMA directs attention to the portfolio aspect as well as project management on a global scale. IPMA also includes public sector project management for governments and other public agencies. American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (ASAPM) Vision- (asapm. org, 2013) asapm is the U. S. A. ’s premier Project and Program Manager performance-based credentialing organization, and a tireless advocate of effective project management practice throughout all organizations. Appropriate and effective elements of PM Performance are widely demonstrated and acknowledged, not just by PM practitioners, but by all individuals in all organizations. ASAPM acknowledges interest and membership for any individuals for membership. ASAPM also claims to be part of IPMA as an American focused branch. Project Management Institute (PMI) PMI does not have a vision statement. They do however, have list of core values. From these values I infer PMI focuses on certifying and advancement of PM professionals. They also clearly define and explain project management to inquisitive and unaware. References http://www. iappm. org/about. htm http://ipma. ch/about/ http://www. asapm. org/a_home. asp http://www. pmi. org/

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Marketing Strategies of Goodbar and its Impact on Consumer Behavior Research Paper

Marketing Strategies of Goodbar and its Impact on Consumer Behavior - Research Paper Example This research would help in identifying the areas where mr.Goodbar’s marketing strategies are effective and where they are lacking in order to influence consumer behavior. Research Methods Comparison For this research paper, three different indepth qualitative research techniques were utilized, i.e. focus group interviews, face to face individual interviews and online research interviews. These three qualitative research techniques are discussed in this section along with their difference with each other, effectiveness in achieving the research objectives and goals, difficulties that might arise by using each of these techniques and their effectiveness in achieving the goals and objectives of present research study. Focus Group Focus group interviews enables a Researcher to act as a moderator and present a situation or case in front of limited number of respondents sitting together. Critics are of the view that focus groups are not an interview rather a discussion that provides handy information and point of views from the respondents’ side to the Researcher. It’s a general perception that the information retrieved from focus group interviews can not be used to conclude the study but it can be used for generating more useful ideas that can be utilized for concluding the research study. Majority of the Researchers use focus group interviews to achieve understanding of general ideas and thoughts about a product that is to be launched in the market and how useful respondents think, the product will be in providing solutions to customers’ needs and wants. The biggest advantage of focus group interviews is that they help the Researcher to observe the reaction of the responses under given conditions and make note of high and low points of responses within the group2 (Blankenship, Breen and Dutka 1998). Face to Face Individual Interviews Face to face individual interviews enables the Researcher to communicate personally with the respondents and collect more in-depth information regarding respondents’ personal vies regarding the topic under discussion. The biggest advantage of conducting face to face individual interviews is that it helps the Researcher to collect information in greater detail and allows him or her to ask counter questions in order to create detailed understanding regarding the issues. Face to face interviews also creates easiness for the respondents to share their views in detail and elaborate their responses according to the tone of the discussion shaping up. Researcher also can acquire further information from the body language of the respondents. One of the major disadvantages of face to face interviews is that they are time consuming and requires more money as compare to other methods3 (Muise and Olson 2007). Online Research

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

CJ350 International Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CJ350 International Terrorism - Essay Example He is generally regarded as the founder of the modern Irish state, but the Fine Gael (political party) people look upon him as the father of their movement. Neil Jordans movie on Michael Collins (1996) depicts the controversy of life and death of the political activists and places itself at the core of Irish political independence. The movie begins with the Easter Uprising (number of Irish men against British troops) at Dublin in 1916. The rebellion is halted by shooting down the Irish leaders and some taken to jail (Michael Collins was one of them). After release, he promises himself to avenge this event by using guerilla techniques instead of availing traditional warfare. Collins set out by starting to kill the British informants and thus destroying the Intelligence network. After the murder of a group of elite British Intelligence people on a Sunday, the Britishers set out for vengeance as well. Eamon de Valera, the Irish President was against this and ordered a traditional war against British. This resulted in a massacre of Irish troops. Michael Collins was sent to England to create a free Irish state and a loyal British colony in I reland. This being unaccepted by the president resulted in a civil war and consequent death of Collins. Michael Collins has been known as the father of modern terrorism and invented some techniques, which are alike to urban guerilla tactics of today. During world war I Ireland was under the British rule and the rebellion was essentially to free Ireland from British control. The idea of guerilla tactics was due to the fact that the big super powers (Britain and America) with large troops and greater availability of war resources believed in conventional war and to face them terrorists’ methods would be more appropriate in order to cover up the lack in numbers. Besides setting up the intelligence agency,

Differentiate between social obligation, social responsiveness and Essay

Differentiate between social obligation, social responsiveness and social responsibility and use case study material from the Maldives to illustrate these differences - Essay Example Moreover, the nation generates up to 60% of its tourists revenue from foreign exchange earnings (Gautam, 2008; WTTC, 2002). The World Bank of report (2014), clarifies that Maldives is mainly predominant of tourism products such as floating beds thereby, offering direct employment both directly and indirectly to the tourism industry in the world. By creating job opportunities to the youths who works in hotels and other tourism sectors, the nation improves its economic growth. In essence, in the past one decade, tourism related occupations sustainably helped Maldivian gross domestic product to shoot up to 265 percent. However, the availability of jobs to Maldivian citizens comes with a challenge. Because most of the employment opportunities are concentrated around resort regions, therefore, majority are forced to travel from upcountry to urban centers and such a migration pattern cause strain to urban settlements that already has an influx in population resulting into tension to the economy around town centers. Maldives is not only famous for its natural beauty of green ocean, and sandy beaches, the nation’s employment opportunities in hotels focuses extremely on tourism workforce who are represented by tourism workforce association (Ellis, 2008; Sharpley, 2002). The workforce recommends that the majority of employees earn very little amount of money while living in very poor conditions susceptible to much less production than what is required by nation per capita. In addition, employment opportunity within the tourism industry alone is not enough to sustain the national grid while the country also lacks other alternative mineral resources. Such a result has made poverty levels to remain quite high throughout the nation (Secretariat, 2010). Maldives fishing sector employs almost 25% of the total national workforce. Through the same industry, employees do get deployed into sectors such as packaging, preparation

Monday, August 26, 2019

Relationship between EU and Ukraine Research Paper

Relationship between EU and Ukraine - Research Paper Example The Ukraine political system which does not encourage democracy might also have been a hindering factor to the good relationship between the EU and Ukraine. Some people also believe that the relationship between Russia and Ukraine would have also contributed to this hardship. Russia has been long known to have a poor relationship with Ukraine. The preparation of Ukraine to accession into the EU began in the year 2012 in Brussels. However, by November the same year, the twenty seven governments under the European Union and the European parliament had not signed the agreement. This was a result of the poor relationship between the EU and Ukraine because of the way the former prime minister of Ukraine, YuliaTymoshenko was treated and sentenced. The European Union and a section of its member states, Germany being the most notable, had resulted to putting some pressure on the then president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich to stop the sentencing of the former prime minister because of her poor health status (Movchan and Shportyuk 12). Despite there being a number of meetings that had been organized between the EU and the Ukraine government, the EU leaders had snubbed some of these meetings. The relationship between Ukraine and the EU only got worse after this. In the year 2012, the EU leaders snubbed the 2012 UEFA Euro championships after being requested to do so by Ukraine’s opposition leaders. The EU leaders asserted that there would be no signing of the Association Agreement if Ukraine did not attend to the concerns about democracy in their political system.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Balancing Technology, People and Organisations in Information Systems Essay - 1

Balancing Technology, People and Organisations in Information Systems Development Education - Essay Example The company’s IS performance is therefore largely determined by the people’s knowledge. It was therefore noted that there is every need to bridge the gap that may exist particularly in understanding systems as well as the technology involved hence the need for proper education. Information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) continue to dominate in today’s corporate environments and they have a significant impact on their operations. Information technology is one of the topical issues in doing business during the contemporary time. In the same vain, there is also need to educate people about these wonderful features of the latest developments in IT and IS so as to attain great results in business. IT and IS have improved dramatically since the invention of computers where information processing was still centralized and only accessible to a few individuals who had access to the computers. However, the scenario today has changed where there are many end-users who can also benefit from the developments in IT and Is. For instance many people had no direct link or access to any IS in an organisation but today that access has been made possible by the new technology in information technology. Many people within an organisation are more directly involved with the systems as they can navigate their own way of doing work via an interactive user interface, thus assuming more responsibility for their own applications. Thus, according to (Ives, Olson, & Baroudi, 1983) cited in Travica (2008), the ability to capture and measure end-user satisfaction serves as a tangible measure in determining the performance of the IS as well as IT function and services. It is therefore important to evaluate whether IS in an organization meet users’ expectations and there ought to be relevant knowledge about how the system operates. In this case, there is need to draw a balance between the people’s knowledge and the operations of technology

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing of Nivea Products Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing of Nivea Products - Assignment Example Nivea products identify themselves through distinct packaging and clear labeling of the products. Nivea products are convenient products for shopping as they already sought out products packed in convenient amount, and well labeled that makes it easy for customers efficiently select their desired preferences. Again, the products are packed in small packages, which make the products portable and convenient for consumers to carry around. The products are available everywhere from supermarkets, pharmacies and convenient grocery stores. The uniqueness of the product identified through the satisfaction it has on the consumers. The products have refined scent, dry, smooth skin, in fact, most women say they products makes their lips kissable has a sensational, romantic touch. This response explicitly makes the product unique over other closely related products. In addition, the brand is extremely popular for skin care and beauty. Besides, the products are not only useful to women but also to men and a range of diverse men’s products are available. Nivea brand is owned by a German company Beiersdorf named after the owner Carl Paul Beiersdorf who was a pharmacist. The product is developed from water in oil emulsion with eucerit and used as a skin cream. The company produced products such as shampoo, tanning oils, facial toners and shaving cream which lead to development of Nivea products. The products also contain cellulite that help reduce cellulite and makes the skin firm, Nivea cellulite gel-cream is used to serve this purpose. Lotus extract obtain from flowering water plant is able to tighten the pores of the skin. It also has an anti-inflammatory features that help skin purification and cleansing. In addition, Nivea products have the following mix:

Friday, August 23, 2019

Describe how studying macroeconomics has helped you understand an Essay

Describe how studying macroeconomics has helped you understand an issue - Essay Example Based on the fact that I am pursuing a course in economics, my dream has always been to become one of the most successful economists in the country. Being a successful economist would involve being a Chief Executive Officer of a manager in the most respected organizations in the world. These roles necessitate one to have a wide range of knowledge in macroeconomics as well as other fields associated with economics. Being a top official in a highly respected organization involves a lot of interviews in televisions and radio stations. In doing so, an individual offers insight in the happenings of his organization and hence this can be considered a form of marketing. Furthermore, one of the units learnt in macroeconomics is leadership. Therefore, learning macroeconomics have enabled be to learn and gain leadership skills and abilities. Learning macroeconomics will ensure that I familiarize myself with all aspects of preceding and current economic issues of benefit in my future role as a top executive. Successful organizations in all parts of the world are governed by distinct rules and regulations. For managers to implement plans of actions geared towards enhancing and maintain organizational structures, incorporation of skills and knowledge in macroeconomics is critical. The study of macroeconomics involves investigating behaviors of various organizations and other successful institutions (Madariaga, 2005). Therefore, learning macroeconomics presents me with knowledge on how to create and implement organizational rules and guidelines associated with macroeconomics. In general, the study of Macroeconomics is involved with investigating comportment, performance, or conduct of the economy. It would be hard for me to implement economic policies without understanding various market conditions such as fluctuating prices of commodities and services. Conditions in the economy are always changing. This can be attributed to the current advancements in technology

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Strange New Land Essay Example for Free

Strange New Land Essay Strange New Land, offers a seemingly vast view of the presence of African Americans in present day North America. Mr. Wood describes the harsh and often brutal fate of African Americans during the colonization of America. Exploring Chapter 1, allowed me to view the way different cultures took advantage of not only African Americans, but Native Americans as well. Native Americans were invaded by Spanish settlers, taken into slavery and forced to live with harsh living conditions. Settlers exposed them to a vast number of diseases, and tricked other Native Americans into agreements, in which they were starved, made to live in the cold, and which ultimately led to the death of many of them. Native Americans were resistant to being overtaken and fought back to protect their people and their land. Spanish settlers needed more laborers to cultivate new land, and explore additional regions for settlement. Spanish Conquerors like Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon sent out to find laborers in Western Europe. During his search, he found that Europeans that practiced Christianity did not believe in exploiting its people. In return, the Catholic Church, did however, not mind the exploit of non-Christians to Spanish Settlers. As groups resisted fiercely, they looked to other options in which they could gain access to the slave trade. African Americans to my surprise came as a third resort. Spanish settlers wanted to gain access to the dreams of gold and silver told to be lying within the American soil. However African Americans would prove to be more valuable than just for labor. Spanish Speaking Africans such as Gomez and Esteban were great explorers and go-between people when asked to settle what is now the state of New Mexico. Being intermediaries between the Native Americans and Spanish settlers, they showed the resourcefulness that Africans held during the colonization of America. As I continue to discover how Africans came about to be in America, I was intrigued to learn that the basis of slavery were not limited to race at all. Religion played the most important role in colonization of America, as well as people becoming enslaved. If you were not of Christian belief system, then you were subject to being enslaved. From Mr. Woods accounts, he told of how even John Smith was enslaved for a period of time. And that the bases of slavery were defined upon much greater tools. Heredity was significant in the slavery system, because children of former slaves are said to have been born into slavery. The only thing I can account the Spanish settlers for, was that they didn’t enslave their people for life, as well as the Dutch. Many of their slaves lives the lives of settlers, they just were required to be laborers, because of their religion. At any time it shows within his text that they could have been released from slavery with the submission of their religio n. The earliest definitions of slavery presented a great amount of problems, which the slave-owners did not agree too. Rhode Island defined slavery as a period of 10 years, and not a lifetime commitment. Christian religious groups would allow other slaves to become converted to their religion to once again regain their freedom. The readily number of slaves were beginning to decline, so now new guidelines would be put in place to ensure that the slave-owners would keep laborers all the time. This part of the 17th century would mark the beginning of when race became the solemn factor of how Africans would become and remain enslaved. This is the shift in African history that everyone would feel and become a part of. Africans held two surprisingly different fates. Those that were released to Latin America had better conditions than those located in North America. But life in North America for Africans would see a dramatic shift as the laws and rules progressed. Slave codes were laws that basically took away all rights of Africans living in North America. This would serve as a permanent handicap for Africans for almost two centuries. Then the colonist took a dramatic horrible step used in the states as well as the colonies. Dehumanizing. This would be the greatest contributor of racism in the United States. This Law passed in Virginia in 1705, would allow English Colonist to treat Africans as property, disregard their feelings or wellbeing, and deny them of basic human rights. And these practices would carry over well into the 20th century.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Unilab Vitastat Essay Example for Free

Unilab Vitastat Essay Also, On top of the usual sampling and detailing conducted by the sales team, product symposia( such as speaking on the merits of Vidastat to a large group of doctors) were held simultaneously in all big hospitals to communicate the low price of the product to target doctors. Roundtable discussions were conducted and promotional materials such as product brochures and Rx pads were given to doctors, which resulted in increased prescriptions of Vidastat E. Management Capabilities – They have a dedicated management wherein they have this mind-set to be on top of the game. They have already come up with low-priced products that made them expand their market. F. Core Competencies Product – they have released equal quality products to Zocor that made Unilab competitive, these products were priced lower than Zocor which gave the patients an advantage, and this would help their patients adhere to their medication regimen. G. External forces Technology- Technology is very vital in manufacturing. Since the company needs to maintain the quality of the products they need to be efficient in the operation. Socio-Cultural aspect made Unilab successful, through its â€Å"Bayanihan† (a Filipino term which refers to people working together to achieve a partifuclar goal) they have lived and survived by that philosophy II. Problem Statement Due to the continuing economic conditions where things are expensive and no more room for price penetration, its viable concern is sustaining its financial needs in the long run. Also, the bases of their prices are its competitors. Also, the products that Unilab offers are of the same products that can be offered by the competitors. Evidence of the problem * Vidastat’s price was set 50 percent lower to penetrate and grab market’s share form Zocor. * Simvastatin when taken can reduce cholesterol level the competitors has â€Å"fish oil† which are â€Å"natural anti-cholesterol agent† III OBJECTIVES * To be able to sustain its financial needs * To be able to give the doctors enough satisfaction for them not to shift and patronize the competitors product * To be able to create innovative products. To be able to maintain the companys market by product offerings III. Alternative Courses of Action . Market penetration a) Intensify research and development of technology to be able to generate idea’s that would make Unilab a brand of innovation b) Improve the company’s reputation by increasing its quality but still having the same price c) To strengthen its promotional efforts in their chosen market and make information more available through more symposiums and sponsorships during popular conventions in the field of medicine d) Give freebies or discounts to those doctors who patronizes the product e) Increase production to decrease cost . Market Development. Develop a product that caters an individual’s need b) Create a product that would create technological advances ( soon let there be a cure for those diseases that presently cannot be cured ) 4. Related Diversification Strategy a) Come up with an extended line of products that is still related to medicine such as skin whitening and height enhancer V. Recommendations Based on the gathered facts, I would strongly recommend Market Penetration this is for them to keep and maintain or even widen their potential markets. Product Development should be implemented constantly to enable the company to attain competitive advantage and improve the line every so often. The Extended line is applicable to those patrons, the lien will satisfy their needs and wants.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Development of Architecture During the Industrial Revolution

Development of Architecture During the Industrial Revolution Introduction The industrial revolution is one of the Great changes in human history. It starts in the middle of 18 century in Britain and continuing until now. Before the Revolution, there were no cities only villages. To get from one village to another people used galloping horse, which was the main and fastest transportation of that time. For majority of people the agriculture was dominant. When industrial revolution begins, agriculture and hand-made been stopped. Things that describes the period of Industrial revolution are inventions of steam engine, coal and iron. Everything is changed when James Watt created a â€Å"steam engine† in 1769. Invention of steam engine provided Britain with an industrial power. Factories, fabrics and railroads could be anywhere. (Louis Auguste Blanqui, historical Invention of iron by Derby Family could not happen without steam engine. Smelting of iron by charcoal was expensive process. Abraham Derby discovered, that instead of using coal, can replace it with coke. The resulted product is cast iron. â€Å"Human of the Industrial Revolution†, www, Besides iron industry, there was a development of textile production, because textile is the basic requirements. Food and cotton products were light and easier to transport to different cities. Location of Britain was good for water transports. We know, that Britain is not from sea from any parts. This was the thing that makes the transportation of goods easier. . There was already existing of networks of canals. â€Å"Human of the Industrial Revolution†, www, During this time changes the production of goods. Now instead of using hand-made products, machines started replacing people. For example in fabrics and manufactures, machine could replace 5-6 people. This is main disadvantage of the Industrial Revolution, when government starts quitting unnecessary workers. Inventions of Industrial revolution period influenced to the economy growth. It is creation of different machine tools, using of Iron in manufacture. Industrial revolution changed everything and including architecture as well. Industrial revolution really affected on architecture. There was no need of fancy architecture anymore. People started design more industrial type, which is more useful rather than Gothic buildings. Beautiful Gothic buildings were designed to impress people. In that period some people was already on industrial side, started designing simple structure. At the same time some people went back to the old architectural style and brought them back. Therefore there were movements as Gothic revival and Art Nouveau. When people started designing with industrial mind they had many choice of design their house. (The importance of Industrial Revolution in Archietcture). ( Producing of iron influenced on architecture. One of great examples of architecture of industrial period is Crystal Palace by Joseph Paxton (1850-1851). Joseph Paxton studied and experienced iron and glass, about of joining these components together to design a large building. Body The movement of Gothic style architecture was not accidently. Those movements were against industrial revolution. They wanted to bring back the traditional style of architecture. The Crystal Palace in compare to Gothic Revival and arts and craft movements in architecture is new mode of design of that time. Gothic revival is architectural movement, which was based in England. It’s been a remaking of traditional building style of â€Å"Middle Ages†. Gothic style buildings are very heavy and decorative. Structure made of stone and brick. â€Å"Art Nouveau† movement has same features as Gothic movement, such as: symmetrical shapes and forms, use of arches and heavy structural system. (Jackie Craven, Art Noveau Architecture. The Crystal Palace is on of the Great buildings of Industrial period, which represent new direction in architecture. One of building that represent revolutionized architecture. When architecture moved from traditional mode to the new step. This structure is example of how people started experiencing different types of materials, instead of constructing the buildings by masonry and stone and maximizing the indoor spaces. It is a design of lightweight and low-cost buildings. This was the step when architecture of industrial period marked the beginning of new kind of architecture. It plays a big role in a history of architecture. The Crystal Palace was a glass and cast iron structure. The structure was built in London, for the Great Exhibition of 1851. In 1850 the committee were going to choose a design for the structure, which will exhibit the latest technology and innovation from around the world: â€Å" Great Exhibition of the works of industry of all Nations†. The committee requirements was: Economy and maximizing the exhibition space Spaces for circulation Spaces for reception, classification and placement of goods. View from the interior. In three weeks committee received more 250 works from Australia, Belgium, Netherlands, Hanover, Hamburg, France. But the committee rejected all the works. Mostly all the work was brick and masonry structural designs. But there was iron and glass design by Hector Horeau. The committee rejected it as well, because of the cost of the project. (The Crystal palace, p12) Already known architect and gardener Joseph Paxton presented his idea and concept to the committee. Before Joseph already had an experience with combination of cast iron, glass and laminated wood in his â€Å" Chatsworthhouse† building, which was made of glass. The larges glass house of that period. He experienced the idea â€Å"Ridge –and- furrow† roof system in Charsworthhouse, later he apllied this system in Crystal Palace’s design. Joseph’s design was based on module with the sizes 10inch x 49 inches, which is size of larges glass available that time. The structure consisted of right-angled triangles, which were supported by iron beams and pillars. The length of right-angled triangles was for 564 m. These basic components of the structure were light, strong and easy to build. After Joseph submitted his drawings and calculations, the committee approved the low cost design. The concept of ridge-and-roof house was lily flowers. Paxton’s reputation as gardener was high, he wanted to lily flower to be grown in England. He takes care of flowers. Later it became a concept for the roof system in Crystal Palace. In construction of the glass house, there was an issue with ridge-and furrow roof. Glass structure required more light, but because of structural members of roof (trusses, purlins) building does not get morning and evening rays. To avoid this problem he created the methods of glass roofing, which calls â€Å"ridge and furrow†. The principle and concepts of the roof was to get morning and evening light without any restriction. Therefore the glasses were placed in specific position. He tested this idea in his â€Å"Green house†. After it was applied to the Crystal Palace. (The Crystal palace, p29) The roof of transept is semicircular from exterior. In construction of this roof the support was made arched timbers. Columns supported on each arched timber. The transept roof also following the concept of ridge-and-furrow roof. It was constructed in a flat manner, but following the shape of arched timber. The range of the arches had louvered framed opening which allow passive ventilation for the building. Hollow columns of the structure support the roof. The roof itself looks flat. It has ridges and furrows, because of rise and fall of them is small, roof looks flat. Truss span of the roof 24 feet from each other and this spanning were supported by light beams or rafters. These rafters call â€Å"Paxton’s gutter†, because he created the system of using the rafter as a gutter. The advantages are when it rains, water running from the surface of the roof to â€Å"Paxton’s gutter†. From there water goes to the main gutter, which is connected to the hollow columns and passes down to drainage. (The Crystal Palace, p.36) But later on roofing system gets a problem, because of not availability of good quality construction materials. On of the disadvantages was leaking mostly from all of the part of the big building. This problem could not be solved. In terms of maximizing the space cast columns had advantages compare to masonry columns of traditional architecture, because it could carry the same load as masonry columns. Cast Columns much slimmer than masonry columns and can provide more open indoor space. When the constriction was complete the interior exhibition space was enormous. Because there were no solid walls, only the slender columns supporting the self weight. On of the important advantage of the structural frame works, that cast iron was low in price compare to traditional carved stone. The columns of the Crystal Palace consist of reservoir, where the all the drain water collects from the roof. This drain water is usable in situation of fire or for agriculture. (The Crystal Palace, p18). The great height of the building was divided into 3 stories. Where are the cast iron columns in each stories have different height. In lower floor columns height is 19 feet and for first and second floor is 17 feet. Between the columns the girders have same depth and sizes. They look similar and give an impression of latticework. Therefore construction does not look heavy. â€Å"This showing how great strength may be combined with elegance and lightness† (The Crystal Palace, p35-36). Joseph Paxton designed his â€Å"Victorian house† in such a way, so the building retains moisture and gets bright natural lighting every season of the year. But the mechanical and natural products, which were in the building, were destroyed because of moisture. After this experiment with â€Å"Victorian House†, it was experience for him to create new design to avoid those issues for Crystal Palace. (The Crystal Palace, p 32). An important advantage in construction of Crystal Palace takes machinery. Paxton used different types of cut machines (Punching machine, Iron drilling machine, Adzing and planning machine). Al the machines powered by steam engine. Painting machine reservoir filling with the paint, then it runs on surface of the frame. It constructed in a way so unnecessary part could be cleaned. One of the machines he used for framed wall. The frames being cut in machinery with the exactly same dimensions, after this glass was put into the frame. The glass sashes been designed in way so in summer can be removed. Since the work is done by machine, people did not worry that part might not match with each other. (The Crystal Palace, p51) In pre-industrialized period building been by human crafts without machines. Therefore it is harder and construction takes long time to be completed. The society of Art awarded Paxton’s sash-bar machines in 1841 with medal. These types sash-bar machines started u sing in other part of the country. In present time sash-bar design was taken from Paxton’s machine. The big challenge of The Crystal Palace was to maintain the normal temperature inside. Because the function was exhibition, there would be thousands of people. Heat producing by people and the heat coming from outside was the main issue. Already in that time Joseph Paxton cleverly designed the external shading devices. Direct sun light does not get, light is filtered and it becomes very soft. Another way of solution of heat transfer was to make ventilation system. He designed ventilation system for wall and flooring. Placing prefabricated lovers on the wall provides hot air escape. For flooring system board were placed 1 cm apart from each other. It was cleverly designed passive design. Air could travel inside. (Wikipedia). This is the one of the great example when people started thinking of climatic response. Design the space, which will cleverly work, rather than designing it for decoration. In terms of spatial planning, Paxton provided refreshments spaces for people during the exhibition. There are spaces with open courts and trees. There was no necessity of making solid enclosures, so the structure does not lose the lightness. The trees of the north entrance were also for refreshment purpose. Spaces were enclosed by sash-glazed partitions almost similar as exterior glass panels. Rooms of the building was designed that can get more natural lighting and ventilation. Partitions that separate the rooms give the building very light effect. (The Crystal palace, p.36) In 1936 on 30th November Crystal Palace was set on fire. In one hour the building was destroyed. North Transept was burned. Government not insured to cover the rebuilding. Because the cost was around 2 million pounds. That time Welby Pugin founder of Gothic Architecture called this building â€Å"Glass Monster†. He told Paxton â€Å" You had better keep to building green houses, and I will keep mu churches and cathedrals†. Many other architects started criticizes Crystal Palace. Many books and articles was written after the demolition. Thomas Carlyle called it â€Å"Big glass soup buble†. But in these letter days Crystal Palace benn called â€Å"Proto Modern Architecture† and became a precedent for many buildings such as commercial buildings in Europe and America. Crystal Palace became a symbol of industrial revolution, strength and economic- industrial power of England that time. (Manpret Singh, â€Å"The demolition Of Crystal Palace 1926-1941†. ww ) Conclusion The main idea of this essay was to show the effectiveness of industrialized methods of construction of Crystal Palace in opposition to Gothic revival style and Art Noveau, which represents traditional architecture. The main points are: The main difference is that Crystal Palace represents new modes of design, where buildings do not have to be so heavy. The purpose is economical use of space. For example: slender columns allow having big indoor space compare to masonry columns. Using of different types of machines. Building can be completed in short period of time. Low cost and availability of cast iron. Smart designed structure in response to climatic aspects. As was already mentioned above, Paxton’s gutter system, which collects the rain water in specific reservoir. Drain water is usable in case of fire or for agriculture. Less using of artificial lighting, because of glass material. Passive ventilation design. Louvered wall system and flooring system, where the block’s spacing is 1 cm., which allows the space, breathe. The Crystal Palace was the great example of new style of architecture. It was a step forward from the traditional architecture. The structural system of Crystal Palace we can still use in our time. It was a precedent for future buildings. Already experienced cast iron and glass. After the demolition, people know how to avoid those problems. Test it and make it work better, but the main concept is based on Crystal Palace skeletal system. Therefore nowadays we have improved skeletal structures. My opinion is that this type of architecture is more useful, compare to traditional. In terms of spaces, how could it be better and lighter by using the different types of materials? But at the same time it can carry the similar load. It was the time when people started thinking of different design, shapes and form. When people started thinking of low cost structures and experiencing of different materials except brick and stone. When people started thinking of opportunities engaging with surrounding and climate aspects of those kinds of structures. Which is did not exist for traditional type of architecture. Gothic and arts and crafts buildings are more concentrating to show the importance of it. Even the decorations, which are not useful. There might be disadvantages of Industrial Revolution, but the main advantage is step for the future with industrial mind.

Castro and Caesar :: History

Castro and Caesar I am going to compare two great leaders. One from this century, and one from the reign of Caesar. It is interesting to see how through out history that all the great dictators thought alike. Though they might differ in details all of them basically followed the same pattern. And I think that is the case with Caesar and Fidel. One of the main similarities between Caesar and Fidel is their early life. Both leaders came from middle class families. Each leader had to work his way up the ladder. Caesar made the first step in 80 B.C. when he showed conspicuous bravery at the siege of Mytilene. Fidels first step was when he led an unsuccessful attack on the Moncada army barraks which gained him national attention. Both men continued to reach the top of the ladder. To become the sole leaders of their country’s both men had to get rid of the old leaders. Both men had to drive leaders out of office. Fidel led a revolt against Falgecio Batista, who when lost the support of the U.S. backed away and let Fidel in. Caesar had problems to, he had to defeat the famous Pompey. Caesar chased him into Egypt and then had to fight Pompey and Cleopatra. Both Fidel and Caesar where geniuses. Not only where they great military leaders, they were great politicians. Both used propaganda to help become dictators. They used something to blame everything on. Fidel used the U.S. for everyone to hate. And Caesar used slavery to increase in popularity. Though both leaders had to overtake a dictator but they did it in different ways. Fidel used only violence and threats to make Batista leave. Caesar on the other hand had to defeat Pompey, and then get voted in by the people. He did this by gaining popularity by attacking other countries and defeating them. Another big difference was the country’s they overtook. Fidel took over Cuba which is a poor country. Being a poor country, and being under terrible times, the Cuban people were influenced easily. Caesar took over the Roman Empire which was massively rich and powerful. The people turned to Caesar quickly though when they saw how powerful he was. What I believe is the biggest difference is how long they stayed popular. Caesar was very popular for a long time.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Free Essays - A lack of Respect in To Build a Fire :: London To Build a Fire Essays

A lack of Respect   Ã¢â‚¬Å"To Build a Fire† by Jack London is a short story about a man traveling along the Yukon River in the bitter winter weather.   While warned against traveling alone in the frigid cold, he ventures out to meet his companions at a remote camp many miles away, with only his dog.   Overcome by nature’s power, he eventually perishes along the way, leaving his four-legged partner to complete the journey alone.   The story displays how the forces of nature can surprisingly overwhelm even the most confident of men.   The traveler, or also referred to as a chechaquo, is the main character of London’s tale.  Ã‚   He is a quick and alert man, yet lacks imagination to see things in the big picture.   We know that he knows the ways of the arctic environment, but it becomes obvious that he has never experienced a situation like this.  Ã‚   The man is observant and quite resourceful, exemplified when he coaxes the dog to walk ahead of him across the ice, in case of soft spots.   A combination of arrogance and confidence are apparent with almost every thought he has.   Even when faced with his own immortality, the man fights to contain himself and remain calm.   London uses the dog traveling with the man to support some of the less obvious points in the story.   We know from the dog’s thoughts that the climate is not simply cold, but closer to unbearable.     The central conflict in the story is the Traveler vs. Nature.   He displays a total lack of respect for the environment in which he has chosen to travel.   From the beginning, the reader understands that the man is undertaking a task where most would wait for more suitable conditions.   His trip begins well enough, yet soon becomes disastrous when he breaks through the ice and wets himself up to the waist.   He is more angry than worried as he begins to build a fire to dry his wet boots and socks.   His arrogance shows when he thinks to himself, â€Å"Those old-timers were rather womanish.†Ã‚   Due to a grave mistake on his part of building the fire under a tree branch overburdened with fresh snow, his fire is doused out when the heat collapses the branch.   His extremities are already numb from the cold and he lacks the dexterity to light another fire so begins to run in an effort to get to his companions camp as well as increase his circulation enough to warm up.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Condoms, STDs, & Pregnancy :: essays research papers

During the 1980s, efforts increased to alert the public to the dangers of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and unintended pregnancy, yet these problems have increased. Adolescents and young adults have been especially hard hit. Pregnancy and birth rates among teenagers are at their highest levels in two decades. Research has demonstrated that consistent condom use is an effective way to prevent the transmission of HIV and other STDs and in the prevention of pregnancy. Analyses of the Urban Institute’s National Survey of Adolescent Males (NSAM) show that although most sexually experienced teenage males have used condoms at least once, many do not use them consistently. Only 35 percent reported using a condom every time they had sex in the past year. But teenage males use condoms more than older men, and between 1979 and 1988 reported condom use among male teenagers doubled. These patterns indicate that teenagers are a promising target population for condom promotion efforts since they appear more ready than older men to change their behaviors. Unfortunately, condom use among young men appears to have plateaued since 1988. Comparisons of 1988 and 1991 NSAM data show no change in rates of use. Attitudes Related to Use Condom use is higher among young men who worry more frequently about AIDS when the effects of other factors are held constant. Between 1988 and 1991, however, sexually experienced teenagers showed declines in the frequency with which they worried about AIDS, how serious they thought AIDS was, and the likelihood they would get AIDS. These reductions were associated with lower levels of condom use. Male teenagers who think they will be embarrassed buying or using condoms, use them less consistently than those with higher embarrassment thresholds. If they think that the use of a condom will reduce the physical pleasure associated with intercourse, they are even less likely to use condoms. Anticipated loss of pleasure is one of the strongest correlates of reduced condom use. Beliefs about male responsibility for contraception are also associated with condom use. Teenage males use condoms more often when they believe that men bear responsibility for initiating discussion of contraception with their female partners, refusing sexual intercourse if contraception is not used, helping to pay for the contraceptive pill, and assuming financial responsibility for any resulting children. Further work has shown that young men’s views of their contraceptive responsibility are very much related to their beliefs about masculinity.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Preferences for Boys and Girls in South Korea, China, India and Nepal

Preferences for boys and girls in South Korea, China, India and Nepal The studies of gender bias in several developing countries in Asia have received wide attention over the past two decades. Demographers have noted worrying trends in sex ratio at birth in some of the most populous countries in Asia; South Korea, China, India and Nepal are the most markedly countries. One of the measures of agreement that has been recognized in this phenomenon among these four countries is the traditionally-and-culturally-rooted of son preference. Son preference has several features that illustrate the inclination of the male sex in contrast to the female sex resulting numerous differences in preferences of boys and girls in the societies of these four countries. The features of son preference are based on socio-cultural, socio-economic and institutional factors in South Korea, China, India and Nepal, and consequently, have formed an imbalance in the countries’ sex ratios mainly due to female infants mortality. South Korea was one of the first countries to represent the trend of son preference. This is mainly due to Confucian influence that is acutely embedded in the populace, whereby the eldest son of the most recent male ancestor must lead family rituals. The family â€Å"dies† if there were no sons being born (Westley & Choe 2007). Since pre-industrial South Korea, a person’s access to power, social status and economic opportunities depended heavily on their gender, lineage and their position within that lineage. Chung & Gupta (2007) described that a number of the lineages in South Korea had formed into larger super ordinates lineage or in other words can be referred to as â€Å"clan†, where some joint properties are held and utilized to support ancestor worship rituals and to help lineage members in need. Therefore, it was a primary duty to bear sons to ensure the continuity of a family’s lineage. On another note, son preference played a role in terms of a socio-economic view when the South Korean governments had subsequently reinforced the Confucian traditions in a series of authoritarian policies in order to maintain social and political stability. For example, the Family Law stipulated that family headship must be held by men in the line of the eldest son, inheritance should be through male line, women should be transferred to their husband’s family register upon marriage and children are belonged to the father’s lineage even in the case of divorce (Chung & Gupta 2007). {draw:frame} _Figure 1. 0: Trends in sex ratio at birth and total fertility rate, South Korea, 1980-2003 (Westley & Choe 2007). _ In addition, ultrasound equipment was first mass-produced in the country in the mid-1980s. Therefore, the introduction in technologies to determine the sex of unborn fetuses combined with the widespread of abortion availability made it possible for couples that wanted a son to selectively abort female fetuses. In 1990, as seen in Figure 1. 0, the sex ratio indicated that nearly two boys were born at this birth order for every girl (Westley & Choe 2007) resulting in an increase of sex ratio at its highest peak in South Korea. Similarly as South Korea, son preference became visible in China since it is another Confucian-practiced country. The people held beliefs that a person’s empowerment relies on their lineage and the lineage is solely traced through the male. Therefore, failure to produce a son is considered tantamount to extinction of the family line (Almond et. al 2005). Furthermore, the influence of son preference has been historically and traditionally strong in the country where it can be reflected in this ancient Chinese song quoted; â€Å"When a son is born, Let him sleep on the bed, Clothe him with fine clothes, And give him jade to play†¦ When a daughter is born, Let her sleep on the ground, Wrap her in common wrappings, And give broken tiles to play†¦ â€Å"- Book of Songs (1000-700 B. C. ) (Baculinao 2004). {draw:frame} _Figure 2. 0: Sex ratio of population age 0-4 in China, 1953-2005 (Shuzhuo Li 2007)_ In rural areas of China and among the less educated societies, sons are basically preferred because they are needed to carry out farm work, offer financial support to aging parents, continue the family name and receive family inheritance, and also responsible for ancestor worships. Apart from that, as seen in Figure 3. 0, there has been a sharp rise in sex ratio of children age 0-4 since 1982. This is due to China’s government imposing the â€Å"one-child policy† as one of the forces to fast-track economic modernization. The policy’s main condition is that a family, reliant to their will, is allowed to have one child only. Subsequently, a son is more favoured among the societies due to putting Confucian values into practice (Muller n. d). The government had later on enforced the policy strictly over time where by the regulations included mandatory IUD insertion for all women who had one child and abortion for a woman who had an unauthorized pregnancy. Consequently, out of desperation for a boy, some parents may have killed newborn daughters or undergo an abortion (Graham et. al 1998) and thus, mothers suffer tremendous psychological pressure and health risks while undergoing sex-selected abortions, which affect both their physical and reproductive health (Shuzhuo Li 2007). {draw:frame} Figure 3. 0: Sex ratio of the child and overall population, India, 1951-2001 (Guilmoto 2007)_ In India, son preference is influenced by the strong religious Hindu belief in the country to a certain extent where by a family needs a son to perform last rites in order for salvation to be achieved. In other words, sons are considered as breadwinners as they will look after their parents and continue the family name. In addition, Almond et. al (2005) stated that only sons could light a man’s funeral pyre and perform the traditional ancestor cult. Moreover, some Indian societies practice a tradition whereby daughters have to be married off with a substation dowry and hence, daughters are more often considered as a financial burden resulting the killing of female newborn babies as the final solution to the dowry problem. What is more, it is enlarged and even becoming more accepted, particularly in the poorer areas of India (Almond et. al 2005). Since daughters will be married into another family, therefore only sons can guarantee for the care of the parents in old age, which then resulted a far more widespread practice of discrimination against daughters. Hence, in its most extreme manifestation, the influence of son preference in India can affect on how many girls survive into adulthood and even how girls are born (Westley & Choe 2007). As summarize in Figure 3. 0, from earlier years mortality conditions of female infants had increased from killing of the female infants and sex-discrimination regime started to experience a deep change during the 1970s, since pre-natal sex-determination tests became widely available and often led to selective abortion to female fetus (CHREHPA 2007). draw:frame} Figure 4. 0: Trends in sex ratio at birth under 1 year old in Nepal, 1952/54 – 2001 (CHREHPA 2007). Nepal has been classified as having considerable levels of son preference since the World Fertility Surveys first documented the phenomenon in the 1980s. As seen in Figure 4. 0, there was an inclining trend in sex ratio at birth in 1970s to 1980s. Son preference in Nepal is a little different compared to the other countries concerning the discrimination against daughters are at a distinctive level. Daughters are very much loved in the family, as they are valued for their responsibility in religious festivals as well as for their emotional and household contribution to the family. Hindus in Nepal assign great value to marrying a virgin daughter. Girls marry early and universally in Nepal because of the religious merit bestowed on those who give them in marriage (Karki 1988). Nevertheless, having sons are very highly prized among the Nepalese societies compared to daughters (Leone et. al 2003). Sons are preferred due for old age security, and lineage where by the Hindu code of conduct in Nepal reinforced the transfer of family name through male offspring. Other than that, sons are more desired for their roles in religious rituals, agricultural labor and companionship. However, many Nepalese couples are willing to surpass their ideal family sized to satisfy their desire for sons (Hollander 1997). As a consequence, the son preference has affected the contraceptive behavior in Nepal to the extent that Nepalese rarely begin contraception until the desired numbers of sons are born. However, they began to articulate their realization that large families are contributing to shortage of cultivable land and to the deteriorating fuel wood and water supplies in the hills of Nepal (Karki 1988). Hence, methods of pre-natal sex determination came to view during the 1970s, and according to research from CHREHPA (2007), 10 out of 25 women that had been told the fetus was a girl resorted to sex-selective abortions an increase in Nepal’s maternal mortality rates and sex-ratio imbalance as seen in Figure 4. . As a whole, it can be seen that the rationale behind son preference in South Korea, China, India and Nepal are based on these six features; discriminatory inheritance laws, economic value of sons, continuity of family line, family security and strength, socio-cultural norms and customs and dowry system (Gupta et. al 1998). Enhancement of new medical technologies and sex-selective abortions had somehow supported the idea of son preference in these four countries a nd seem to be a method of having the desired son. Next, it is then perceptibly has created several impacts in socioeconomic and demographic manifestation where by it resulted in higher fertility transition, promotes inequality in social and human development, associated with excess female deaths and poor health of women, lowers quality of life for women, wastes a valuable human resource and perpetuates cycle of poverty and increases income inequality in these four countries (Gupta et. al 1998). Fortunately, the imbalance in sex ratio has spurred some official efforts to shift public opinion in these four countries. Approaches have been made to reduce the sex-ratio imbalances in these countries by making daughters more wanted. Governments and non-governmental organizations work through advocacy, sensitization and awareness-raising programs. In South Korea, after a series of extensive campaigns and programs, sex ratios were once greatly imbalanced, are now returning to normal after women gained status in society through employment opportunities, increased education, and parents with enough money to be financially secure without dependence on their sons (Guilmoto n. . ). South Korea now is the first Asian country to reverse back the trend of rising ratio of sex at birth. China on the other hand, participated by the country’s ambitious â€Å"Care For Girls† program. The program encompasses many dimensions of the sex-ratio predicament. It offers cash and other incentives to families with daughters, scholarships for girls, better housing or loans for targeted families and others. It als o includes several awareness-raising campaigns, as well as repressive measures against illegal abortions and infanticide. In India, a program called Tamil Nadu is created in 2004 that gave monetary rewards to couples that had one or two girls and agreed to be sterilized. The state also created a Cradle babies in which empty cradles were placed in government centers across the states for couples to abandon unwanted female child without killing them. Furthermore, in 2007, the New Delhi municipal government sponsored a program that provide every girl born in a government hospital with a gift deposit of 5000 rupees that accumulated interest and could be cashed once the girls reached the age of 18 (Lederer 2008). Nepal has banned sex-selective abortions in 2002 when it liberalized its own law on abortions. These laws were then strengthened later on in various ways, in order to make them more effective (Guilmoto n. d. ). Although the strategies for reducing son preference and getting back female’s rights are many, these are all rather considered as a short-run implication despite the positive and optimistic outcomes. According to an American demographer who has been closely following China's population program stated that, â€Å"The country may be coming o grips with problem as they country is still in dilemma – emotional and policy dilemma – because the solution to the problem will conflict with other parts of their population strategy to reduce birth rate or some of the measures could perhaps make the problem even worse. The country still has a lot of work to do. There’s no road map yet on how to achieve the goal of normal sex ratio† (Baculinao 2004). There fore, the future trends of the son preference are impossible to predict in the long run. Patriarchal systems are still underneath the attitudes among the societies in these countries. Regardless of how many levels of development in lasting efforts to address sex-selective abortion and female infanticide, it will fully require fundamental changes in cultural norms that promote son preference. References Almond, D, Edlund, L & Milligan K (2005) ‘Son preference and the persistence of culture’. Downloaded from http://www. nber. org/papers/w15391 as at 25 November 2009. Baculinao, E (2004) ‘China grapples with legacy of its ‘missing girls’, MSNBC. Downloaded from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/5953508 as at 20 November 2009. Chan, A & Yeoh, B. S. A (2002) ‘Gender, Family and Fertility in Asia: An Introdyuction’. Downloaded from http://www. unescap. org/esid/psis/population/journal/Articles/2002/V17N2A1. pdf . As at 25 November 2009. CHREHPA (2007) ‘ Sex Selection: Pervasiveness and Preparedness in Nepal’. Dowloaded from http://www. unfpa. org/gender/docs/studies/nepal. pdf as at 20 November 2009. Chung, W & Gupta, M. D. (2007)’Why is Son Preference Declining in South Korea? : The Role of Development and Public Policy and the Implications for China and India’, Policy Researh Working Paper, No. 373, The World Bank. Eberstadt, N (2004) ‘Power and Population in Asia: Demographics and the strategic balance’. Downloaded from http://www. aei. org/docLib/20040211_PowerandPopulationinAsia. pdf as at 25 November 2009. Edlund, L & Lee, C (2009) ‘Son pereference, sex selection and economic development: Theory and evidence from South Korea’. Downloaded from http://www. e con. columbia. edu/RePEc/pdf/DP0910-04. pdf as at 25 November 2009. Graham, M. J, Larsen, U (1998) ‘Son Preference in Anhui Province, China’, International Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 24, No. 2.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Poverty Understanding

In this article â€Å"What is Poverty† the author Jo Goodwin Parker, created great examples of Poverty. The main characteristics of poverty are dirtiness in her eyes unhealthy, not a lot of money the way of life and how you handle it. For example, â€Å"Poverty is being tired† to her the whole poverty thing was effecting her life and there was nothing you or anybody else could do about it. Another example â€Å"The poor are always silent. Can you be silent too†? this showed that she described herself as the homeless person and her poverty was this world that Parker, is living in. What the author did not have she showed that she could not afford such as food, nutrition, clothing, education, this basically was lack of human needs what she wanted but could not afford on her time of day. This is my personal option everybody has Poverty because it is always something out there that somebody can’t afforded something that somebody else has For example, somebody might have a bigger house then me that poverty, or my next door neighbor has food and I don’t that’s poverty. I feel that the author took it upon herself to make the reader understand that poverty is life, and it comes in all different shapes and sizes; starting from clothing to food from that to dirt. I honestly think that I can agree with Parker when she explains poverty understanding that poverty is life it is what we live in until this day. I experience poverty more then once a day dealing with insurance my health and getting around I use this to real life experience because poverty is what makes the world go around. The strategies and the techniques the author used was incredible she showed that tone in this story to get her point across, she used pity but wanted you to set aside the pity and hear her out for example, â€Å"Listen without pity† also she described poverty as all the things in the world a human can go through and all the basic needs a human should have but doesn’t known as poverty. Parker describes the pain and suffering an individual in any life time you can go through like when she explains about the baby â€Å"They told me at the hospital when the baby came that I had chronic anemia from poor diet† which makes her feel like down graded because she already knows that she doesn’t have the right things to take care of her body(poverty). The whole thing sums it up for society poverty from reading this article is basic needs and the world can do only so little to help you.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

And If I Hurt You, Then I’M Sorry

| Behind every beautiful thing, there is some kind of pain -Bob Dylan's CD's There's a good side to getting hurt a lot†¦ after a while it just doesn't bother you as much. You can try your hardest, you can do everything and say everything, but sometimes people just aren't worth trying over anymore†¦ they aren't worth worrying about†¦ it's important to know when to let go of someone who only brings you down. I don't know why your heart doesn't do what your mind tells it to. -Brown Sugar You may have created my past and screwed up my present, but you have no control over my future. -david klassAnd even though the moment just passed me by, I still cant turn away. For once, instead of telling me the reasons why i shouldnt cry, actually pay attention to the reasons why I am. And if i hurt you, then i'm sorry. Please don't think that this was easy. All good things have endings — The Get Up Kids It's such a lie that you should do what's in your heart. If we all did what was in our hearts, the world would come to a halt. -my so called life Sometimes i may hate you, but i'll always love you -daria How do you leave the past behind, when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart? –RentSmile. It's easier than explaining why you're sad. Sometimes bad things happen for no reason, no purpose. They just occur and we're left to pick up the pieces the best we can. — Felicity The best way to appreciate something is to be without it for awhile. It's not a lie if you believe it .. it's no mistake if it's always repeated. The truth is, everyone's going to hurt you. You just have to decide who is worth the pain. Sometimes what you want the most — you're better off without. There is an end to things no matter how much we want to hold onto them. I don't know if you've ever felt like that.That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years. Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do exist. Or something like that. I think wanting that is very morbid, but I want it when I get like this. That's why i'm trying not to think. I just want it all to stop spinning. (the perks of being a wallflower) A person may be in love with someone untill the end of time, but if that person doesn't tell their feelings of love, it will just be another person living a dream, lost of true love. I never knew what I had until the first day it wasn't there. You hurt me so bad, but maybe it's my fault, because I stuck around too long. I was lost.There was nobody for me to talk to about all that you were troubling me with. So I sat alone, with everything inside, and cried myself to sleep. Sometimes if you really want to make things work you have to keep you mouth shut and put your hurt aside. I never knew until that moment, what it was like to lose something I never really had. ~The Wonder Years It's easy to let go when holding on hurts so bad. To many of us stay walled because we are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care as much or not at all. It's sad to think you'll never be mine, it's even sadder to realize I knew it all the time.And sometimes your heart takes you to places that can never lead to a happy ending. Only the one that hurts you, can make you feel better. Only the one who inflicts the pain, can take it away ~Madonna Our lives are shaped by people who love us and people who refuse to love us. By the time you realize what you're losing, I'll be lost. How can it be that two of the greatest friends in the world can go from being each other's everything to absolutely nothing? You smile when you feel like crying, you act like you're okay, when you're falling apart inside and you let it go.You move on, because there's nothing else you can do†¦ I guess everyone has their reasons for keeping people away, an instinct to protect yourself from getting hurt. It's part of human nature. ~ Roswell When you love a person, you are giving them the power to hurt you. And its times like this that i dread†¦ when there's everything to say, and nothing left to be said, and it makes me sad. Sometimes you don't realize you care for someone, until they stop caring for you. For all sad words of toungue and pen, the saddest are those â€Å"that might have been. â€Å"Letting go does not mean giving up but accepting that there are things that cannot be. I don't want to need you because I know I cant have you. –Bridges of Madison County And when you begin to miss me, dont forget it was you who let me go. Nothing hurts more than waiting since I don't even know what I'm waiting for anymore. I walk away now with the realization that it will never be the way i want it to be. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it sure makes the rest of you lonely. — Charlie Brown How can you hide from what never goes away? Sometimes the one love you cant get over, is the one love you really never had.Everything is fine. Couldn't hurt more. Want my advice? Stay mad as long as you can 'cause once you stop, it hurts like hell. The same wall that shuts others out, is the same wall that shuts you in. Its been so long, I feel so out of touch, thoughts cloud my heart and head, I think I think too much. This is where I say I've had enough. No one should ever feel the way that I feel now. Has your heart ever wanted to ask something, but your mind was scared of the answer? All I wanted to do was collapse in someone's arms and cry today†¦ but there wasn't anyone there to catch me.Because of you I don't know how to let anyone else in. I've finally realized the people that you love who don't love you back are just another lesson in life .. it's like God is teaching us that there can be so much better than what we thought was the best. The most painful love there is, is the love left unshown. A love that cannot be expressed, affection left unknown. The love that withholds touching, afraid of what it would say, And the most painful thing about unexpressed love isâ⠂¬ ¦ it never fades away. Sad thing is, you can still love someone, and be wrong for them -elvis presleyIt's absurd, who you love and why, and how you can't turn it off when you desperately want to. Has your heart ever wanted to ask something, but your mind was scared of the answer? That's the most frightening aspect of loneliness†¦ You think you're being damaged while loneliness is happening to you, and the worry amplifies the pain. – Douglas Coupland Words hurt more then anything else can, because they last, sometimes forever. It sucks to be alone, even when there are people all around you -Scrubs Sometimes to realize you were well, someone must come along and hurt you.I have this great imaginary world, but sometimes I just need things to happen for real. – Ally McBeal There's always someone better out there for everyone. its the beauty of life: you can always try again . -Ashley Sometimes the one love you can't get over, is the one love you really never had. Wh y is it that no matter how much pain it endures by holding on†¦ the heart refuses to let go? Njerezit mendojne se gjeja me e keqe eshte te humbasin njeriun qe duan. Gabojne! Gjeja me e keqe eshte te humbasesh vetveten nderkohe qe do shume dike, duke harruar qe edhe ne vete jemi te rendesishem |

Mid Term 220

Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Page 1 of 9 MGT220. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (MGT220) > TAKE ASSESSMENT: MIDTERM EXAM Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Name Midterm Exam Instructions Always pick the single best answer. Blank answers will be scored as incorrect. Multiple Attempts This Test allows 2 attempts. This is attempt number 1. Force Completion This Test can be saved and resumed later. Question Completion Status: Question 1 2 points Sellers generally benefit from e-auctions due to the opportunity to bargain for lower prices. Save True False Question 2 2 points Nokia has entered the mobile gaming world.It markets near-distance multiplayer gaming over __________ and wide-area gaming over __________ networks. Save A. cellular; local area B. Bluetooth; cellular C. GPS; wide area D. WiMax; analog E. Question 3 2 points Using wireless technologies, one can create applications that are not available with wireline systems. Save True False Question 4 2 points Save 2 points In general, which o f the following is true about the transmission of confidential and personal information between an RFID reader and a back-end database protect? Save Blogs, mashups, instant messaging, and wikis are examples of A. avatars B. social computing C. virtual worldsD. wireless communications Question 5 http://coursesite. umtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ 9/25/2012 Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Page 2 of 9 A. Those transmissions are sent over secure networks to keep the information secure. B. Information sent via those transmissions is protected using encryption. C. RFID tags do not yet contain confidential or personal information. D. Firewalls are used to protect information in transit. Question 6 2 points Remote administration Trojans (RATs) are a class of backdoors that are extremely dangerous because they enable remote control over the infected machine.Save True False Question 7 2 points Save 2 points A(n) __________ is an analysis of the benef its of using a specific business model. Save Productivity in an enterprise can be measured in terms of: A. the amount of input per amount of time B. the ratio of the amount of output to the amount of input C. the number of units produced D. market share Question 8 A. core competency B. exchange C. RFQ D. value proposition Question 9 2 points A valuable property of e-tailing is the ability to offer customized products and services to individual customers at a reasonable price and quickly. Save True False Question 10 2 pointsWith two-factor authentication, two types of information are used to verify the user's identity, such as passwords and botnets. Save True False Question 11 2 points One of the worst and most prevalent crimes is identity theft, which has been made worse by widespread electronic sharing and databases. http://coursesite. umtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ Save 9/25/2012 Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Page 3 of 9 True False Qu estion 12 2 points Directories and hyperlinks from other Web sites and intelligent search agents help buyers find the best stores and products to match their needsSave True False Question 13 2 points _________ percent of companies that suffer a significant data loss die within five years, according to Freeman Mendel, the chair of the FBI's 2006 Infragard National Conference. Save A. 7 B. 23 C. 57 D. 93 Question 14 2 points A risk associated with tools that are meant to improve the productivity and quality of life in general is that they can lead to abuses such as intruding on an employee's or manager's personal time. Save True False Question 15 2 points Responsibility for internal control and compliance with information security olicies rests directly on end-users. Save True False Question 16 2 points Packet technologies convert voice, video, and data into packets that can be transmitted together over a single, high-speed network eliminating the need for separate networks. Save True False Question 17 2 points Advances in converged networks, SIP, and tools have eliminated the barriers to full integration and interoperability. Save True http://coursesite. umtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ 9/25/2012 Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Page 4 of 9 False Question 18 2 pointsThe software-as-a-service (SaaS) approach is based on the trend for developing applications in-house rather than buying them. Save True False Question 19 2 points A(n) __________ is a method of doing business by which a company can generate revenue to sustain itself. Save A. adaptive strategy B. business model C. electronic commerce Web site D. operations model Question 20 2 points According to the market intelligence firm IDC, organizations with a 1,000 or more knowledge workers lose over $5 million annually because of: Save A. time wasted by employees reformatting data as they move among applications.B. data that is out of context or outdated. C. the inabi lity of knowledge workers to share data with others working on the same project. D. the inability to synchronize data. Question 21 2 points One example of an integrated messaging system is __________, which combines wireless communications, vehicle monitoring systems, and vehicle location devices. Save A. collaborative commerce B. supply chain management C. voice portal D. wireless telemetry Question 22 2 points Which of the following is not accurate regarding businesses that collect data about employees or customers? SaveA. The data must be available to auditors. B. Businesses have a legal duty to protect this data. C. The data should be accessible only to authorized people. D. Securing the data from abuse by authorized parties is expensive and difficult. Question 23 2 points http://coursesite. umtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ Save 9/25/2012 Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Page 5 of 9 An example of a mobile enterprise application is sales force automation (SFA), which enables sales force employees to type orders straight into an ERP while at a client's site.Benefits include a reduction in clerical mistakes and improved supply chain operations. True False Question 24 2 points Save 2 points Information systems can be organized according to organizational hierarchy (e. g. , departmental, enterprisewide, and interorganizational) or by the nature of supported task (e. g. , operational, managerial, and strategic). Save Web 1. 0 was basically organized around each of the following except: A. corporations B. media C. software D. technology Question 25 True False Question 26 2 points Save 2 points Several banks in Japan issued __________ cards to customers.These cards store a template of the person's palm vein to authenticate the customer's identity when withdrawing money. Save The ________ suite is the standard used with almost any network service. A. Internet protocol B. Transport Control Protocol C. User Datagram Protocol D. Voice over IP Question 27 A. smart B. RFID C. ATM D. adaptive Question 28 2 points Save Which is the first step in the process of managing business performance? A. Determine how to attain the performance levels. http://coursesite. umtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ 9/25/2012 Take Assessment: Midterm ExamPage 6 of 9 B. Assess where the organization stands with respect to its goals, objectives, and measures. C. Decide on desired performance levels. D. Set the budget for achieving performance or goals. Question 29 2 points Microsoft releases _________ to update and patch vulnerabilities in its operating systems, including Vista, and other software products, including Office 2007. Save A. firewalls B. podcasts C. service packs D. workbooks Question 30 2 points Reasons why managers may not be able to trust their data include all of the following except: Save A. Data are too synchronized. B. Data are out of context.C. Data are outdated. D. Dat a are so overwhelming that they require weeks to analyze. Question 31 2 points A computer system essentially organizes data into a hierarchy that begins with bits and proceeds to bytes, fields, files, databases, and records. Save True False Question 32 2 points Save Databases are the optimal way to store and access organizational data. True False Question 33 2 points Social network analysis (SNA) is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people or groups. Nodes in the network are the people or groups, while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes.Save True False Question 34 2 points Save What is significant about 4G networks? http://coursesite. umtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ 9/25/2012 Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Page 7 of 9 A. 4G has a circuit switched subsystem B. 4G is based purely on the Internet Protocol (IP) C. 4G is the convergence of the features of 2G and 3G D. All of the above Question 35 2 points Save All of the following correctly define the networking technology except: A. WAP is an Internet protocol developed for transferring information on the Internet to and from wireless clients. B.EV-DO is fast wireless broadband access that runs in a Wi-Fi hotspot. C. Instant messaging has become a mission-critical collaboration tool for over 130 million workers in businesses of all sizes. D. Bluetooth is how mobile phones, mobile and fixed computers, and PDAs can be easily interconnected using a short-range RF wireless connection. Question 36 2 points A supply chain is the flow of materials, information, money, and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customers. Save True False Question 37 2 points A(n) antivirus software is a technology that checks Internet packets sent to nd from a network and enforces access-control policies between networks. Save True False Question 38 2 points The virtual elimination of software-upgrade cycl es makes applications perpetual worksin-progress and allows rapid prototyping using the Web as a platform. Save True False Question 39 2 points When dealing with consumer-facing applications, such as online banking and ecommerce, strong authentication must be balanced with ________. Save A. costs B. convenience C. privacy risks D. war driving risks Question 40 2 points Save A wiki is all of the following except: http://coursesite. mtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ 9/25/2012 Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Page 8 of 9 A. a software program B. a discovery tool C. a collaboration site D. a search engine Question 41 2 points Data warehouses are designed as online analytical processing (OLAP) systems, meaning that the data can be queried and analyzed much more efficiently than application databases. Save True False Question 42 2 points Save 2 points Fraud detection is too complex to be handled effectively by intelligent analysis engines using adva nced data warehousing. SaveWhat is the technology that enables Internet browsing from wireless devices? A. WAP B. EMS C. WiMax D. WLAN Question 43 True False Question 44 2 points Which of the following factors is not a major type of business pressure on enterprises? Save A. Homogenous workforce B. Powerful customers C. Regulatory compliance D. Terrorist attacks and homeland security Question 45 2 points ___________ support functional managers by providing them with periodic reports, such as weekly sales volume and comparisons of actual expenses to budgeted expenses. Save A. Personal information managementsB. Transaction processing systems C. Management information systems D. Enterprise systems http://coursesite. umtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ 9/25/2012 Take Assessment: Midterm Exam Question 46 Page 9 of 9 2 points Mary Kay transformed itself from traditional modes of operation to a business model that enabled rapid growth into new marke ts by doing all of the following except: Save A. networking various applications so they communicate with each other B. using business service management to connect to consultants. C. sing social computing for marketing D. outsourcing its IT infrastructure Question 47 2 points M-commerce B2C applications are concentrated in three major areas, which include each of the following except: Save A. retail shopping for products and services B. advertising C. mobile portals D. selling digitized content such as music, movies, or games Question 48 2 points Save Data redundancy wastes physical storage media, makes it difficult to obtain a comprehensive view of customers, and increases the costs of entering and maintaining the data. True False Question 49 2 pointsAt a strategic level, the totality of a company's data resources is nearly irreplaceable. Yet data at this macro-level remains largely overlooked by corporate leadership. Save True False Question 50 2 points Save Why is auditing a Web site important from the perspective of risk? A. It is a good preventive measure to manage legal risk. B. It is a key part of disaster recovery. C. To insure that biometrics were implemented properly. D. It is a necessary corrective action. http://coursesite. umtweb. edu/webapps/assessment/take/launch. jsp? course_assessment_id=†¦ 9/25/2012